How to Get Around South Korea

There are several methods of traveling throughout the country, however depending on the city you study in or visit, some may be better than others. Please be aware that some options may only be available to foreigners via a website and not an app, so plan wisely. Cross-country: In the city:

Things to Do Before Departure

Choosing a study abroad program is only the first step of actually getting to where you want to go and while your program will have advisors that can guide you through things, there may be times where you need to figure out how to do things yourself. It can get confusing sometimes, so having a…

My Goals for Studying Abroad

What do you hope to gain and how much research have you done on your host country and culture that will better prepare you for this experience? When I initially thought about studying abroad in terms of what I wanted to gain from it, my mind was solely on academics. I thought about how I…