College students encounter a vast array of problems throughout their day to day lives, be it social conflicts, exams, economic issues, or even attempting to lift more weight at the school gym. With the internet these students seek different solutions to these problems. They seek advice on online forums, or from family and friends. This will be yet another of these many resources, however we seek a different approach. Regardless of areas of study, history can be a resource for all students. Many of the world’s greatest leaders have sought this approach to their actions and we believe that the application of historical documents to the modern university students’ life can solve or improve many of their problems.

Furthermore, we will be critically analyzing and comparing The Book of Five Rings written by the Samurai philosopher Miyamoto Musashi to The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by modern blogger and writer Mark Manson. It is our goal to highlight the pros and cons of both works as they apply to university life. This analysis of the new and the old will hopefully help current and future students with their approaches to the problems they encounter every day.

Nolan Harris & Detlef Nelson