Categories and word stimuli for the Betrayed Self Implicit Association Test (IAT) are ME (me, self, my, mine) and NOT ME (not me, other, they, them), and BETRAYED (betrayed, abused, shamed, violated) and RESPECTED (respected, nurtured, supported, protected). Please contact Dr. Delker ( if you would like a copy of a script file to run the Betrayed Self IAT (via Inquisit Web or R/Qualtrics) and an SPSS syntax file for coding and scoring the IAT response time data.
Please cite the Betrayed Self IAT as:
Delker, B. C., & Freyd, J. J. (2017). Betrayed? That’s me: Implicit and explicit betrayed self-concept in young adults abused as children. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 26, 701-716.