Side by side comparison. Left a pen, center a spinning disk external HDD, right bright red sold state HDD


As midterms roll around, we all have been creating more content no than perhaps any other quarter in history. You and your computer’s hard drive now might be finding yourselves in a tight spot; literally. Making videos, screen shots, docs, etc. as an educator or as a student take up a massive amount of hard drive space, and yet our internal storage (especially in laptops) might be as razor thin and their external profile. This all coming at a time where we all might feel anxious to delete anything!

Adding a hard drive to your device

Adding more storage to a laptop, computer, and in some cases our smartphones or tablets, can be as simple as plug-and-play with an external drive. But as I talk about in this short video, there are various sizes and prices to these drives. Here are the two simple flavors of external drives to look at with a simple break down

Solid State Disk (the way to go IMO)

  • Super speed
  • Smaller capacity
  • Mobile device flexible
  • Higher price
  • Good with drops

Traditional Spinning Disk

  • Bigger capacity
  • Cheaper price
  • NOT good with drops