Category: STC Workshop
Canvas LMS, meet WordPress 5 training.
Let’s say you are a faculty at WWU, and you’ve decided to incoporate WordPress into your class. You might be asking yourself “so, now how can I teach my students what they need to know about Wp.wwu to do this great assignment?” Luckily, you have your course in Canvas; so look no further than Canvas…
Anchor.FM & Introducing Podcasting in a Classroom?
With this second golden age of podcasting, podcast production is getting easier and easier. Anchor.FM (recently acquired by Spotify) allows users to use a free mobile app, or web browser, and any microphone, and allows anyone to get started podcasting without any real need of knowing “editing.” And accounts/hosting is free (at least at…
Editing 102: EdTPA & Censoring Effect
Following the post Editing 101; EdTPA & Final Cut, need to censor out a face in your video? This tutorial will walk you through the steps to quickly, and as easily as possible, apply a static or dynamic (tracking) censor effect to a segment of video. Things to remember:
Editing 101 : EdTPA & Final Cut Pro
Following the Camera 101 tutorial, here is a brief tutorial on how to use Apple’s Final Cut Pro to edit your video and prep it correctly for the EdTPA portfolio site. Things to remember:
Creative Commons Docs for 3D curriculum
The STC is trying to contribute to the Creative Commons with documentation from our workshops on 3D making. In doing so, I’m learning about the “wiki” community; which can be a bit tough. In creating a page for the STC and uploading our documents, the page has been flagged by mods (I am presuming) and…
iOS & WordPress: Health Ed. and Promotions
For the last quarter, I have been working Professor Brittanie Lockard and her Health Education and Promotions class, in bringing new technology life to a routine course. This was a large 50 seat class, where they would have the opportunity to create education materials targeting K-12 and college students. Professor Lockard wanted this class to make…