Category: Tech Research
Journey of a Micro-Maker
What would it take to make a “Northwest Built” Swiss watch? I don’t know, but working on finding out. Taking the traditional “geek in the garage” approach of building something, I wonder if I could build something so small and percise using “off the shelf” parts. After quite a bit of research and finding…
BPM Tech: Episode 6.5 (in Spokane from WSHEC 2016)
BPM records live on location at the Davenport Grand hotel on the east-side of the state of Washington at the 2016 Building Bridges educational technology conference. Chris and I both present at this conference that brought in 373 attendees from 62 different institutions of higher education. *Conference Tech bingo: What we see on or with…
Insert Coin: WordPress for WWU
Later today I’ll be presenting at the Learning Technologies Group on ideas on ,and how to started with; WordPress for WWU. For an example of a WWU class that used WordPress see previous post: Resources for ePortfolios with Campus Press Join AJ Barse, ATUS, to learn about the potential of WordPress for WWU, now available for…
Creative Commons Docs for 3D curriculum
The STC is trying to contribute to the Creative Commons with documentation from our workshops on 3D making. In doing so, I’m learning about the “wiki” community; which can be a bit tough. In creating a page for the STC and uploading our documents, the page has been flagged by mods (I am presuming) and…
The Battle Royal of “free” podcast hosting
“Content costs!” These two simple words are the very crux to one of my Building Bridges conference presentations this year. It doesn’t matter what the content is, there is always a price to host it on the internet. With the recent, and successful, launch of ‘Bellingham Podcast Media: Tech‘ (BPM: Tech) we ran into something…
GIF: Anaglyph 3D-a-fy photos
A wicked cool find from ATUS Director John Farquhar, with a little savviness with Photoshop this website could be a really cool resource for anyone trying to create anaglyph photos; either from dual photos or a single shot.
iOS & WordPress: Health Ed. and Promotions
For the last quarter, I have been working Professor Brittanie Lockard and her Health Education and Promotions class, in bringing new technology life to a routine course. This was a large 50 seat class, where they would have the opportunity to create education materials targeting K-12 and college students. Professor Lockard wanted this class to make…
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