Want to get involved? Art Drop thrives through the contributions of artists like you! By donating artwork artists contribute to Art Department scholarship funding and also have the opportunity to use Art Drop Mini as a means of promotion.

Please be sure that your art can fit inside a 2” spherical capsule, isn’t perishable, and contains no illicit or illegal substances. We encourage contributors to include a signature and or social media information to help promote your practice.

  1. Please produce art that will fit in the size of the pods.
  1. Use this as a promotional tool and include (e-mail, website, Facebook, or Instagram)
  1. Please return your filled bag of art pods to the Art Department Office:

Allen Frost–Program Coordinator

Department of Art, Fine Art Room 116

Western Washington University

Bellingham, WA 98225

(360) 650-4626

  1. Have Fun! Many thanks for supporting theArt Drop Mini and WWU Studio Art Majors.