If you would like to donate to the scholarships funded by the Art Drop Mini, please visit and specify “Art Drop Mini”.  We appreciate your support!

Picture instructions on how to donate:

Step 1: Select the “Give” tab in the top right corner, between “Apply” and “Report”.


Step 2: Select/Type the amount of money you would like to give then select “other”.


Step 3: Make sure the search bar, below “other”, says “I would like to specify a designation not listed” and then type in “Art Drop Mini” next to “Specify”. Select “+ Add Gift”

Step 4: Select “one-time” for a one time payment and then select “continue”.

Step 5: Fill in your information and if you would prefer to be anonymous then check the “I prefer my gift to remain anonymous” box above “Continue” after filling in your information. Then select “Continue”.

Step 6: Make sure your billing address is correct and then select “continue”. It will ask you for your card information and then select “Pay Now”.

We appreciate your donations!