Transaction Detail

(Op Ledger Reports & Trans. Details > Transaction Detail > FOAPAL Lookup)

Transaction Detail reports allow you to view the details of individual transactions and to drill down to the supporting journal vouchers, invoices and other supporting documentation.  Different formats of the Transaction Details can be opened from the FAST Finance menu.  They can also be viewed by drilling down from the Operating Statement summaries or the Balance Sheet. After you open the Transaction Detail, you can drill down further to the Document Details.


Sub-Menu Option: Transaction Detail  FOAPAL Lookup  Actuals (Operating Ledger Only)

Actuals (Operating Ledger Only) shows only revenue, expense, and transfer account codes, compared to the other “Actuals” transaction details which includes balance sheet account codes such as assets and liabilities.


Sub-Menu Option: Transaction Detail  FOAPAL Lookup  Actuals

This format shows detailed transaction information of actual transactions for the selected G/L Code.

Actuals (Operating Ledger Only) shows only revenue, expense, and transfer account codes, compared to the other “Actuals” transaction details which includes balance sheet account codes such as assets and liabilities.

Specific fields are the G/L (general ledger) Codes (or fund, orgn, acct, prog, actv, and locn), transaction and activity dates when the transaction occurred, the authorizing User ID, the description of the transaction detail and link to accompanying documentation, the Purchase Order number (if one exists) and the link to the PO document, invoice or reference number, check number and the transaction amount.

The specific filters are shown directly above the report.  The report must be filtered by at least two filter codes selected from Fund, Orgn (Dept ID), Acct, Prog (Project ID), Actv, Locn or Acct Type.

Data can be filtered by: Chart, Index, Fund, Organization (Orgn/Dept ID), Account (Acct), Program (Prog/Project ID), Activity (Actv), Location (Locn), Account type, and the fiscal period as defined by a start date and end date.


Sub-Menu Option: Transaction Detail  FOAPAL Lookup  Budgets

This format shows detailed transaction information of budget transactions for the selected FOAPAL (fund, orgn, acct, prog, actv, and locn)

Specific fields are the G/L Codes (or FOAPAL codes), transaction type and date, the document ID and link to accompanying documentation (journal voucher), the description of the transaction detail, and the transaction amount.

BD01 and BR01 are the initial permanent (= recurring = base) budget load

BD02 and BR02 are the permanent (= recurring = base) budget adjustments during the fiscal year.

BD04 and BR04 are temporary (= non-recurring = one-time) budget adjustments.

The specific filters are shown directly above the report.  The report must be filtered by at least two filter codes selected from Fund, Orgn (Dept ID), Acct, Prog (Project ID), Actv, Locn or Acct Type.

Data can be filtered by: Chart, Index, Fund, Organization (Orgn/Dept ID), Account (Acct), Program (Prog/Project ID), Activity (Actv), Location (Locn), Account type, fiscal period and transaction type.


Sub-Menu Option: Transaction Detail  FOAPAL Lookup  Encumbrances

This format shows detailed transaction information of encumbrances (commitments to pay) for the selected G/L (or FOAPAL) Code.

Specific fields are the G/L Codes (or FOAPAL codes), the document number and link to supporting documentation, the Purchase Order number (if one exists) and the link to the PO document, invoice or reference number, check number and the transaction amount.

The specific filters are shown directly above the report.  The report must be filtered by at least two filter codes selected from Fund, Orgn (Dept ID), Acct, Prog (Project ID), Actv, Locn or Acct Type.

Data can be filtered by: Chart, Index, Fund, Organization (Orgn/Dept ID), Account (Acct), Program (Prog/Project ID), Activity (Actv), Location (Locn), Account type, and the fiscal period as defined by a start date and end date.


Sub-Menu Option: Transaction Detail  FOAPAL Lookup  Payroll Encumbrances

This format shows detailed transaction information of payroll encumbrances for the selected G/L Code. Payroll encumbrances are the payroll obligations that are payable for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Specific fields are the G/L Codes (or FOAPAL codes), date, the employee ID, employee name, position code and suffix, the type of earnings, any comments and the payroll encumbrance amount.

The specific filters are shown directly above the report.  The report must be filtered by at least two filter codes selected from Fund, Orgn (Dept ID), Acct, Prog (Project ID), Actv, Locn or Acct Type.

Data can be filtered by: Chart, Index, Fund, Organization (Orgn/Dept ID), Account (Acct), Program (Prog/Project ID), Activity (Actv), Location (Locn), Account type, and the Fiscal Period.

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Summary by FOAPAL

(Op Ledger Reports & Trans. Details > Summary by FOAPAL)

This allows you to see operating funds summarized by the accounting code. It presents a more detailed level than the Hierarchical view such as by account within an organization or fund. This report uses a single filter to drill down into the data.
Use the dropdown list next to “By” to select a combination of your choice, such as “Fund – Orgn” or “Orgn – Actv”. This allows you to see the same data in a different summarization format.

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FAST Finance Reports

Op Ledger Reports & Trans. Details



  • Transaction Detail
  • Associated Report Options/Comments for the above menu options
  • Actuals (Operating Ledger Only)
  • Actuals
  • Budgets
  • Encumbrances
  • Payroll Encumbrances

Position Reports


TEM Reports


Look Up


Balance Sheet


Additional Reports


Financial Statements






Menu Report Report Option/Comments
Op Ledger Reports & Trans. Details

Summary by FOAPAL

Summary by Acct Detail

Summary by Hierarchy

·         Current Year

.         Comparative

·         Date Range

·         Project To Date (Grant Report)

·         Annual Trend

·         Monthly Trend

·         Quarterly Trend

·         Annual Variance

·         Rev & Exp Variance

·         User Defined

Op Ledger Reports & Trans. Details Transaction Detail

·         Actuals (Operating Ledger Only)

·         Actuals

·         Budgets

·         Encumbrances

·         Payroll Encumbrances

Position Reports Actual by Position
Position Reports Budget by Position
Position Reports Budget vs Current Jobs
Position Reports Position by Budget Labor Distribution
TEM Reports TEM – Query
TEM Reports TEM – Query by Acct
TEM Reports TEM – Approval History
Look Up Document Type Query
Look Up Document Number Search
Look Up Invoice Query
Balance Sheet Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet Balance Sheet – 5 Year Trend
Balance Sheet Trial Balance
Additional Reports FOAPAL Codes
Additional Reports Fast Index Listing
Additional Reports Orgn Listing
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