




For being a non-smoker, I can still name the top most popular companies for tobacco…Camel. Growing up and even to this day, it’s gotten pretty normal to see these kinds of adds and not even second guess what they might be doing near a park or even school. I choose this ad because I have heard of this ad on the radio several times. Tobacco use is quite common in today’s society, as college campus, public and private places may assign designated places for smoking. Walking by these places there is a high chance someone will be found standing around in one corner, smoking.  The company that caught my eye is Camel, from their distinct packing, o their mascot Joe Camel, has made this to be a classical tobacco company. This company was first founded by R.J Reynolds back in 1885, who was a son of a Tobacco farmer. He first established a factory where he produced about 15,000 pounds of tobacco, but soon moved onto millions. Before the release of his cigarettes, Reynolds promoted his product, by the soligin “The camels are coming”, which was derived from a song originally called “The campbells are coming”. This type of advertisement drove up the demand as soon as the product hit the markets. Since then the company had boomed, from the growth of tobacco users.

Intended Audience

“Tobacco companies will spend over $73 million promoting cigarettes in Maine this year – and they’re targeting kids”. As there has been more regulations being put on Tobacco advertisements, that hasn’t stopped them from reaching their audiences, that are teens. Most of these advertisements come in magazines, newspapers, and online. They find it easier to advertise to teens, are they are more easy to influence. And the sooner they start smoking, the more additive they will become as they grow older.  Whats even stranger is the mascot for Camel is Joe Camel, that can be see on quite a few ads from back in the day to even today. He seems to be a cartoonist figure, that relates to being innocent and sweet but aside from that he usually carries around a lit cigarette in his mouth.  For teens it would be much harder for them to quiet, if it has been part of their life for quite a while, if thy stated from a young age. It’s even more effect if a celebrity or an influential figure appears in the ad, this sort of advertising attracts a lot of attention from the young adults. Tobacco companies also try to attract certain gender either, by showcasing young beautiful women with slim figures, that are easy on the eyes for either some men or for women who see it as a way to obtain that figure. As tobacco suppressing the appetite for food, most often it will lead to a dangerous way to weight lose. This type of effect is quite attractive for young adults, who seek for that in their own life and will do anything to obtain it, even if it means putting their life in danger.

Active Ingredients

The most active Ingredient is Nicotine, “A poisonous volatile alkaloid derived from tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) and responsible for many of the effects of tobacco; it first stimulates (small doses), then depresses (large doses) at autonomic ganglia and myoneural junctions. Its principal urinary metabolite is cotinine” (Nordqvist). It could be either smoked or chewed as both result in altering effects on the person’s behavior. As Nicotine effects are fast as “Cigarette smoking results in nicotine reaching the brain within just 10 seconds of inhalation”( National Institute of Drug Abuse). With its rapid “relief”, it makes it a dangerous and highly addictive drug. As stated in the National Institute of Drug Abuse, that it accounts for an average of one third of all cancers. In almost 90 percent of lung related illness, such as cancer are caused by smoking cigarettes. Even though someone might be diagnosed with a deadly illness their ability to stop smoking is physically challenging, as their brains will crave more and more. Stopping them from being functional humans of society, they fall in the hands of tobacco use.

Advertising techniques

The advertisement above, attracted my attention with its vibrant colors that make it this cool thing to get. It states “taking pride in your flavor”, telling the consumer that the flavor they choose is sort of a step in the right direction. It’s almost saying that it’s alright to be smoking, in big and bold letters that see inviting and accepting. Below this it mentions, “Enjoy smoke free, spite free, drama free, that’s packed in a pouch for great tasting, long lasting anytime enjoyment. Camel SNUS-the pleasure’s all yours”. This ad speaks highly of the product that is displayed in the picture, as it states that is “drama free”. Fritz Gahagan, a former marketing consultant for five tobacco companies says that “The problem is how do you sell death? How do you sell a poison that kills 350,000 people per year, a 1,000 people a day? You do it with the great open spaces … the mountains, the open places, the lakes coming up to the shore, They do it with healthy young people. They do it with athletes. How could a whiff of a cigarette be of any harm in a situation like that? It couldn’t be – there’s too much fresh air, too much health – too much absolute exuding of youth and vitality – that’s the way they do it”. All this attracts people, who think they could achieve that sort of life, by getting maybe just a bit closer by buying that cigarette pack.

Overall opinion

Would I recommend this drug to a friend or family member? No. After engaging myself with the information provided to me and also using my common sense, I would not recommend this drug to anyone. With no real benefits, those who do smoke seem to be putting a lot on the line, for so little. Is some social setting the influence can get out of hand, but it’s still not worth, considering all the deadly side effects that will engulf you and will eventually lead you to an early grave.




Tobacco Ad.


Ling, P. M., & Glantz, S. A. (2002). Why and How the Tobacco Industry Sells Cigarettes to Young Adults: Evidence From Industry Documents. American Journal of Public Health, 92(6), 908–916.


Nordqvist, C. (2015, December 1). “Nicotine: Facts, Effects, Nicotine Addiction.” Medical News Today. Retrieved from

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Coffee from where to where




Starbucks ad


On this blog, I am going to write about coffee. The reason why I chose to write about coffee is that it contains caffeine, which is a drug closely related to our lives. Many people are not aware or don’t consider it as a drug, however, according to TeensHealth, it says that“Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system, causing increased alertness. Caffeine gives most people a temporary energy boost and elevates mood(2014).” The reason why I chose this advertisement from Starbucks is that it showed how closely caffeine(coffee) is connected to our lives, as well as making them look safe, good and gave me this desire of having a cup of coffee. I honestly thought it was a good advertisement.The advertisement that I chose shows how the coffee in Starbucks is made and delivered. People who are interested in how the coffee at Starbucks is made might see this advertisement at first. It makes us feel comfortable drinking coffee because it shows the background. They aren’t using any models but instead, they are using papers to depict people, and that makes a good taste.



Starbucks opens first store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market.

Howard Schultz joins Starbucks as director of retail operations and marketing. Starbucks begins providing coffee to fine restaurants and espresso bars.

Il Giornale acquires Starbucks assets with the backing of local investors and changes its name to Starbucks Corporation. Opens in Chicago and Vancouver, Canada.
Total stores*: 17

Total stores: 55

Opens first drive-thru location.
Total stores: 425

Establishes the Starbucks Foundation.
Opens stores in the Philippines.
Total stores: 1,412

Expands digital offerings for customers with free unlimited Wi-Fi, Starbucks Digital Network.

Total stores: 16,858


Opens stores in Panama
Total stores: 22,519 (as of June 28, 2015)

(Starbucks company timeline)




One person, one cup and one neighbor at a time.

Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome.

Acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other.

Being present, connecting with transparency, dignity, and respect.

Delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results.

(Starbucks company profile,2017)



~How caffeine affect our body~


Healthline (the effects of caffeine on your body,2017) lists several effects that caffeine causes.


Central nervous system

“Caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant. When it reaches your brain, the most noticeable effect is alertness. You’ll feel more awake and less tired, so it’s a common ingredient in medications to treat or manage drowsinessheadaches, and migraines. Studies have also found that people who drink coffee regularly have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia, and cut suicide risk by 45 percent. These benefits are limited to people who drink high-octane coffee, not decaf. Some people consider coffee to be a health drink, but like most foods, overindulging can cause side effects. For example, too much caffeine can give you headaches. This is primarily linked to caffeine withdrawal. The blood vessels in your brain become used to caffeine’s effects so if you suddenly stop consuming caffeine, it can cause a headache(August 2017).”


Other symptom





Digestive and excretory systems

“Caffeine increases the amount of acid in your stomach and may cause heartburn or upset stomach. Extra caffeine doesn’t get stored in your body either. It’s processed in the liver and exits through your urine. This is why you might have an increase in urination shortly after having caffeine(2017).”


Circulatory and respiratory system

“Caffeine can make your blood pressure go up for a short time. This effect is thought to be attributed to either an increase in adrenaline or a temporary block on the hormones that naturally widen your arteries. In most people, there is no long-term effect on blood pressure, but if you have irregular heart rhythms, caffeine may make your heart work harder. If you have high blood pressure (hypertension) or heart-related problems, ask your doctor if caffeine is safe for you to consume.


Skeletal and muscular system

“Caffeine in large amounts may interfere with absorption and metabolism of calcium. This can contribute to bone thinning (osteoporosis).If you consume too much, caffeine may cause also your muscles to twitch.


Reproductive system

“Caffeine travels within the bloodstream and crosses the placenta. Since it’s a stimulant, it can cause your baby’s heart rate and metabolism to increase. Too much caffeine can also cause slowed fetal growth and increased risk of miscarriage. In most cases, a little caffeine is safe during pregnancy.




The amounts

Caffeineinformer says that“More than 4 cups of coffee linked to early death. A Mayo Clinic partnered study found that men who drank more than four 8 Fl.oz. cups of coffee had a 21% increase in all-cause mortality. However, those that reported that they consumed excessive amounts of caffeine were also likely to smoke and have poor fitness.”



We can see that there are many good effects as well as bad effects to our body. I’ve also heard that caffeine can suppress our appetite. But this might cause some health problems as well so people need to be careful.

Here is another advertisement from Starbucks. This shows how big the name value is in Starbucks and I think that this advertisement is aimed toward repeaters. This is like another strategy how Starbucks promotes their own coffee using their own name and attracting customers with familiarity.




A lot of people drinks coffee every day and it is kind of like a custom drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.  I personally like drinking coffee and it always helps me when I need to wake up late. I didn’t consider caffeine as a drug before but now I do and I learned that moderation is the key to keep being healthy.  I will recommend everyone to drink coffee. Of course, there are some effects from caffeine but I personally like the smell and the taste of coffee. It makes me relax and concentrate on my work. People who drink two to three cups of coffee on a daily base has a low risk of heart disease, having a stroke, or committing suicide (Fine News!). There is a lot of studying out there so I am not sure what to believe, but I hope I could make the right choice and live healthier.



Teens Health (2014):

Starbucks Company Timeline (2017):

Starbucks Company Profile (2017):

Healthline, The effects of caffeine on your body (2017):

caffeine informer:

Starbucks window advertisement:















Starbucks and their advertisments

Starbucks and their advertisements


  1. Why did I choose this ad and Starbucks?

For this topic, I’m going to pick an ad from Starbucks to debunk it. I picked coffee for this topic because coffee is really common for college students, and I want to know more about coffee as I drink lots of coffee every day. Here is a picture of the ad that I picked.

I chose this specific ad because the words of it is very intriguing, the ad itself claims that Starbucks makes the best coffee, very arrogant yet it grabbed my attention. The reason why I picked this ad from Starbucks because Starbucks is one of the biggest coffee chain in the world to get there they had very good marketing tactics and advertisements. As a result, I want to see use of their ads to see how they manipulate their consumers into buying their coffee. Founded in 1971 by Zev Siegl, Gordon Bowker and Jerry Baldwin Starbucks has their shops in over 70 countries. Starbucks revenue hit ~21 billion (2016) and the company is offering over 300,000 jobs across all its stores.



  1. Starbucks’ history 

Let’s go a little deeper in Starbucks’ history. The first ever Starbucks was opened on, March 31st 1971. Baldwin, Siegl and Bowker were taught how to roast coffee beans by Alfred Peet and decided they wanted to sell high quality coffee. The logo of Starbucks originally was made as a siren inspired by Greek Mythology. The first logo of Starbucks was completely topless and had a double tail. The 2nd logo of Starbucks was a big change to the company, they changed the primary color of the logo from brown to green and dark brown in the middle of the circle. In 2011, the company made a small change to the logo which switched it to an all green logo and enlarged the siren logo. The name “Starbucks” comes from the chief mate in the book Moby-Dick. On 1989, there were 46 Starbucks stores in the Midwest and the Northwest and Starbucks was roasting over 2,000,000,000 lbs. annually. In 2008, Starbucks expanded their shops to countries such as: Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Portugal. By 2017, Starbucks has over 21,000 stores worldwide.


  1. Who is this ad for?

I found this ad after 30 minutes of searching the World Wide Web, although they were many other choices but I wanted to pick this ad because it belongs to Starbucks. For this specific ad, in my opinion its intended audience is wide. Starbucks doesn’t really seem to aim to an age group or a group of people, they just want to aim it to coffee drinkers. “If your coffee isn’t perfect, we’ll make it over. If it’s still not perfect make sure you are in a Starbucks”. The reason why I said this message isn’t intended for a specific age group is because the purpose of the message is very straight forward: we’ll make sure your coffee is good and if your coffee is not good then you aren’t in one of our stores. If it was for college students, I assume they would say something about exams and tests to attract college students to buy coffee during midterms or finals week. Being a college student, I’ve seen a few ads for coffee during finals week where we can bring a plastic cup for a 2$ off coffee at Starbucks to attract us to go there and fuel up for our exams. If the ad was intended for couples, it would send a message for an individual to be a better person. For example, when I was searching for this ad, I’ve seen a coffee ad that had a couple kissing and in their hands they are holding coffee cups from Nescafe (implying that your relationship will be strengthened when you drink Nescafe).


  1. The products of Starbucks  

Starbucks offers a lot of products on their menu, in this post I will go over a few of them that I think was interesting and mind-opening. The first one is the Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte. As listed on the website, the ingredients are: Non-fat milk, brewed espresso, sugar-free Cinnamon Dolce Syrup, Water, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Cellulose Gum, Citric Acid, Sucralose, Sodium Benzoate and caramel color. Although it has nothing to with the ingredients, I’m not too happy with the name of this products that is promoting that skinny is better and that people need the “skinny” drink. Leave that aside, the sucralose in this latte has been getting a few researches that stated that it’s not safe to intake this ingredient. For instance, an experiment conducted by the CSPI that tested sucralose on rodents found out that rodents that had been consuming sucralose increased their risk to leukemia. Another ingredient in this product that is controversial is the artificial sweeteners. To be more specific, a review by “International Journal of Pediatric Obesity” stated that artificially-sweetened consumption is linked with weight gain in children. The second product I want to walk about is the white chocolate mocha. As listed on Starbucks’ website the ingredients are comprised of: Milk, White chocolate, Mocha Sauce, Natural Flavor, Salt, Potassium Sorbate Mono-glycerides, Brewed Espresso, Whipped Cream, Mono and Diglycerides, Carrageenan, Vanilla Syrup and Natural Flavor. First, mono-glycerides contains trans-fat and the consumption of trans-fat is strongly linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The Center of disease Control and Prevention has in fact linked it to over 20,000 cases of heart attack annually and stated that trans-fat doesn’t have any health benefits to its users. Moreover, the whipped cream on top of this product also carrageenan in it (carrageenan has been known for causing digestion problems)


  1. What techniques did they use for this ad

The main techniques they used for this ad is attention grabber (with their words) and visual imagery. Although it’s made pretty simple, as we always said simplicity is the key to success “If your coffee isn’t perfect, we’ll make it over. If it’s still not perfect, you must not be in a Starbucks”. This ad was written on what looks like a piece of canvas so it kept its classiness. At the bottom of the canvas paper we also see a cup of Starbuck coffee. This ad is such an attention grabber because it shows Starbucks’ arrogance. As they did this ads they were basically saying that they were the best coffee chain out there and there is no way that there coffee would taste bad. At the end of the canvas you also see another attention grabber “It’s not just coffee, it’s Starbucks” which I’m pretty sure is main message they are trying to convey here (the main campaign). The point here is to signify “Starbucks” making it more than just a cup of coffee you drink every morning to keep you awake and working, more like a sentimental product.


  1. My opinion on Starbucks’ products

Overall, to be completely honest I do enjoy Starbucks’ products despite the ingredients they use in our drinks that might affect our health. I have a firm believe that if you don’t over use something then it can’t be affecting your life in a negative way. I’m sure all of us have at least had one of the products from Starbucks since we are pretty close to Seattle and that was where the whole company chain started. Starbucks is one of Seattle most famous company and we should respect them and their products. However I would not recommend any good friends or family members of mine to overuse coffee from Starbucks. According to, 400 mg of caffeine (which is the main ingredient in coffee) per day is safe for most healthy adults. Moreover, I also believe that we all have different side effects when we take coffee. I’ve had some, not too many friends/ family members that don’t really enjoy coffee because they feel aren’t capable of coping with coffee side effects such as nausea, upsetting stomach, migraine, faster heartbeat, etc. Also, I would not recommend coffee for any users under 18 years old. The reason for this is because adolescence and childhood times are used for bone strengthening. Too much caffeine for people under the age of 18 can interfere with calcium absorption and affects growth. Obviously, if high schoolers drink a few cups of coffee whenever they have a test or exams it’s totally acceptable, just don’t form a habit of doing so every day. As a college student, I consume around 300-400mg of caffeine every day and I feel like it’s a part of my life now. I take early morning classes and I have a part time job, as a result without coffee it would be really hard for me to stay focus and work efficiently. All in all, coffee (from Starbucks or not), is an acceptable form of stimulant that should be used in a smart manner that would help us perform better in our everyday’ lives


  1. Babe, Food. “Starbucks Finally Publishes Drink Ingredient List… Here Are The Worst Ones!”Food Babe, 13 Sept. 2016,
  2. Mayo Clinic Staff. “Caffeine: How Much Is Too Much?” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 8 Mar. 2017,
  3. “Ask the Experts: When Can Kids Start Drinking Coffee?” Healthline, Healthline Media, 11 June 2015,
  4. “Starbucks Company Statistics.” Statistic Brain, 1 Apr. 2017,
  5. Chan, Amanda L. “How Safe Is Splenda? CSPI Urges Caution for Artificial Sweetener.” The Huffington Post,, 12 June 2013,
  6. “Starbucks.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Oct. 2017,

Erectile Dysfunction & The NFL

Boner Pills, also known by the pharmaceutical names Viagra, or Cialis are the top spenders on paid media. The ad(s) I have chosen to discuss is the NFL Viagra Commercial that aired in 2016, along with its many precursor ads from previous years. Viagra was the biggest investor in NFL air time last season, followed directly by its competitor Cialis. I chose this advertisement because of its massive impact on viewers at the time. It became an incredibly common and recognizable ad to all football fans and T.V viewers alike; exposing millions of football fans to erectile dysfunction medication. I chose to write about Viagra because as a female, erectile dysfunction medication generally is not something I am well educated on or have any consternation for in my life.

Viagra is owned by Pfizer Inc. one of the U.S’s largest pharmaceutical companies. Pfizer was established 1849 in Brooklyn NY. Starting off as a chemical manufacturing company Pfizer soon became the U.S’s largest pharmaceutical company. Pfizer company is the creator of some of our country’s most commonly used prescriptions such as the EpiPen, Xanax, Zoloft, Lipitor, Lyrica, and Viagra. Pfizer’s webpage hold countless pages of prescription drugs under their company, backed up with plenty of expertise and research in areas such as neuroscience and pain, inflammation and immunology, oncology, and more. Like Pfizer, Eli Lilly & Company, the pharmaceutical company behind Cialis is a leader in pharmaceutics in the U.S and around the world. Not much younger than Pfizer, and just as established and accredited, Lilly makes a much more apparent “promise to it’s customers than Pfizer. As opposed to their counterpart Pfizer, Lilly had a much stronger emphasis on “caring and discovery”. The vision statement from their website says “We will make a significant contribution to humanity by improving global health in the 21st century”. It is very apparent in Eli Lilly’s site that they have a lot more integrity as a pharmaceutical company than Pfizer and truly want to make a difference.

NFL – The Perfect Audience

The intended audience for Viagra is middle aged men. According to the Annals of Internal Medicine 50 is the age when male sexual function begins to deteriorate. According to a web article on Ad Age, the median age of football watchers in 2016 is 50. This makes the NFL audience a sweet spot for Viagra and Cialis. Erectile dysfunction medication can also be seen targeting the golf audience as well, with a median age of 64. Erectile dysfunction ads have become such a icon in football season, being seen even in the Super Bowl. According to Ad Age “In 2004, Levitra ran a 45-second spot during CBS’s broadcast of XXXVIII that featured former Bears head coach Mike Ditka” View the ad here.

Like many ads that air during foot ball season the Viagra ad linked above targets a male audience. In the commercial, a sexy middle aged woman lounges on a bed, wearing a football jersey, foundling a football and rambling off erectile dysfunction statistics. Similarly, advertisements for Cialis also air during the NFL season, with the same idea in mind. The advertisements include an attractive young woman out and about with a slightly older looking man. Viagra and Cialis commercials were to prevalent on T.V. during football season that many spoofs were made off the commercials. Here is a funny one by Ellen on her talk show.

Cialis Commercial “A Moment Turns Romantic” shown during a football game

The Effects of Viagra on the Body

Viagra and Cialis belong to the same class called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. The active ingredient in Cialis is tedalafil and sildenafil in Viagra. Both drugs only work when a man is sexually aroused. According to Dr. Abraham Morgentaler Viagra can be addictive not physically so much as psychologically. Viagra’s effect on a man’s sexual performance is so successful that people can develop a psychological dependence on the drug whether they really need it or not.

An interesting article from Everyday Health states that erectile dysfunction drugs can come with serious side effects such as hearing and vison loss and now an increased risk of melanoma. Many of the more common side effects of Viagra and Cialis are displayed with the drug in ads but do not begin to touch on how extensive the list of side effects are. Viagra has effects on the central nervous system, digestive system, and circulatory system. Common side effects include flushing or redness of the face, decreased blood pressure, priapism, headache, runny nose, ringing in the ears, indigestion, heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Viagra can also have potentially dangerous interactions with heart disease drugs such as alpha blockers, or nitrates.

Advertising techniques used by Viagra and Cialis alike are visual imagery and attention grabbers. Attractive celebrities and men and women engaging in fun date-like activities in Viagra commercials are used to make men think using these types of drugs will enhance their sex life and attract women. Viagra commercials also use statistics like “over half of men over 40 have erectile dysfunction” as an attempt to make it seem like all men with erectile dysfunction use Viagra for it. Additionally, images of relatively young and attractive women in summer dresses in vacation-like settings are presenting this information in a sexy manner.

My overall opinion of Viagra is somewhat indifferent in a sense that it does not directly apply to me, but after doing research on the drug I would not be extremely worried if a friend or family member was taking Viagra for its intended purpose. There isn’t anybody I know that I would comfortably recommend Viagra to, especially considering the target age for the drug. Otherwise, the advertisements for Viagra and Cialis tend to do a decent job at identifying all the possible side effects and warning that come along with it. There was even some recent research I found promoting additional health benefits of Viagra.

Works Cited:

A Surprising Side Effect of Viagra: Melanoma? (2014, April 08). from

Bulik, B. S. The top 10 most-advertised prescription drug brands.


Crupi. A. & Anthony Crupi. (2017, July 07). Deflategate 2.0: Big-Spending Viagra and Cialis Are Pulling Out of the NFL., from

(2016, March 29). Cialis vs Viagra – What’s the… Cialis vs Viagra – What’s the difference between them?, from

Eli Lilly & Company. October 26, 2017, from

Morgentalor, Dr. Is Viagra addictive? from

Pfizer Inc. October 26, 2017, from

Sildenafil (Viagra) May Help Improve Control of Pulmonary Hypertension. (2002, April 2). from

The Effects of Viagra on the Body. (2015, August 26). from

(2016, October 17). Cialis, from

(2016, October 17). Viagra: Football, from

(2016, October 17).  Ellen’s Viagra Commercial, from


Dangers of Alcohol – Corona

Alcohol is a widely accepted as a social drug, mainly due to the supporting media advertisements. This Debunk will focus solely on alcohol.

I picked Corona for my ad debunk because it it popular among my peers. Corona’s website has a short paragraph thats they chose to represent the brand:”When you bring the three together, unforgettable moments and unbeatable experiences are bound to happen. Corona embodies that carefree state of mind you find when you’re living truly in the moment. With ice-cold Corona in your cooler and good company by your side, your beach is never far away”. I’ve selected an Ad from 2011 that has many interesting features worthy of discussion


History of Corona

Corona beer’s history starts in 1922 when Grupo Modelo formed and directed by Pablo Diez. In 1925 the first production run of Corona was bottled, within a decade it had become the best selling beer in Mexico. by 1979, the company was selling beer in the United States. By the mid 80’s Corona was a U.S sensation, typically among surfers and young college men. In 1985 Corona started exporting to New Zealand, Japan and Australia . Corona’s huge international success surprised everyone including Corona executives, who tried to avoid shortages of the product around the country.

Intended Audience

In all of the ads i have watched, people in their young twenties seem to be the target audience. Finding Corona ads was a task only youtube could help me with, which infers that younger people are being more targeted than any other audience. The ad shows excessively young, attractive people drinking corona in order to give them the feeling of fulfillment which is necessary to provide peace. Corona has a history of being popular in areas near the ocean, thus their slogan: “Find Your Beach”.

Active Ingredients

Corona Extra includes barley malt, rice and/or corn, hops, yeast, antioxidants (ascorbic acid), and propylene glycol alginate as a stabilizer. Ethanol is the part of alcohol that is intoxicating, which is likely the factor that contributes to addiction. Negative effects that can occurs due to alcohol include: memory loss, liver damage, Slurred speech, Drowsiness, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Upset stomach, Headaches, Breathing difficulties, Distorted vision and hearing, Impaired judgment, Decreased perception and coordination, Unconsciousness, Anemia (loss of red blood cells), Coma, Blackouts (memory lapses, where the drinker cannot remember events that occurred while under the influence). Meanwhile the ad gives no warning of ANY negative side effects.

Advertising Techniques

Visual imagery in this ad played a part to promote the products image. An example of this is when the environment changes in order to cater to both the people who love the heat and the people who love the cold, at the same time implying that no matter where you are, you’ll be as calm as a beach-side vacation if you sip on a Corona. This ad supports the idea that offering someone a beer is a great way to start a conversation with them.


Taking in consideration the negative side effects as well as the social aspects of Corona and alcohol in general, drinking doesn’t seem like the best idea in terms of a long and healthy life, yet there is still millions of Americans that drink. Drinking alcohol can be severely detrimental, but at the same time, both the social aspect and relaxing feeling seems to lead people to think the “good” out-weighs the “bad”. So with all this in mind, I would recommend Corona to my friends and family, but caution them to drink responsibly.


“Corona (Beer).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Oct. 2017,

“Watch Truth About Drugs Documentary Video & Learn About Substance Addiction. Get The Facts About Painkillers, Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth & Other Illegal Drugs.” Foundation for a Drug-Free World,

“Corona USA.”,

“Corona Beer – A Mexican Beer.” DonQuijote,

Marijuana Advertisement Debunk


With the recent legalization of cannabis, advertisements for this drug are very new. Ads for marijuana are still fairly regulated. It is likely that eventually, advertisements will diffuse to other outlets but for the time being, they are almost entirely centered around media already involving marijuana. I chose this ad because it is clear in its intentions in support of marijuana legalization. The reason that I chose marijuana to research is that it is the drug which is most prevalent in my life. A large portion of my family and my friends regularly use marijuana for both medicinal and recreational purposes. I was curious to learn about how they may be impacted by advertisements for this drug especially as it becomes legalized and more popular. Having a critical view of the information I am told about a substance that I am often exposed to is very important for decision making in regards to my own use as well as interacting with others who have chosen to use cannabis themselves.


The advertisement lists as a reference which is a website run by the Marijuana Policy Project. The Marijuana Policy Project was founded in January 1995 while medical marijuana was still illegal in every state. The Marijuana Policy Project has been working with local organizations from all around the country to introduce pro-marijuana policies and initiatives in almost every state (MPP). The mission of The Marijuana Policy Project is to increase public support of pro-marijuana policies, change state laws to reduce or eliminate penalties for the use of marijuana, and to gain influence in Congress for federal legalization initiatives. The Marijuana Policy Project has played a key role in changing most major state-level marijuana policy reforms since the early 2000s. The Marijuana Policy Project typically has roughly 40 full-time employees and countless part-time/volunteers working for the full legalization of marijuana.


This ad was part of a campaign run by The Marijuana Policy Project which purchased $2,500 worth of buss billboard advertisement space on buses in Portland, Maine. At the time when this advertisement was run in 2013 marijuana was still illegal recreationally. Recreational marijuana became legal in Portland Maine later in the 2013 year. Bus ads are used to target the average citizen. Public transport is used by all kinds of people thus this ad was viewed by people from all sorts of backgrounds. The advantages of transit advertisements are that they are hard to ignore and reach a wide audience variety (Kobliski). This is the best place to run an ad intended to change the public opinion of Marijuana.

The man pictured in the ad is incredibly average. The man appears very normal on purpose. It is meant to convey normality to the audience. If the audience previously viewed marijuana users as criminals or fringe members of society, seeing an average seemingly successful member of society preach the benefits of marijuana use it is likely to change their mind. Advertisements featuring “real people” tend to be more effective because the average person is more concerned with keeping up with their friends and neighbors than celebrities whos lifestyles are unattainable (MONSTER). While there are definite advantages to using celebrities people tend to react more if they view the subject of the advertisement similar to themselves.


Marijuana has several active ingredients. THC (Delta-g-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the most commonly known component of cannabis. THC is what produces the drugs effects or high. THC is often used to measure the strength and potency of marijuana due to is very noticeable effects. The potency of marijuana has been rising, from 1995 to 2014 it has tripled (NCBI). Despite the sharp increase in marijuana potency, there have been no cases of death from marijuana. The estimated lethal dose would be equivalent to a 175lb man consuming more than 53 grams of pure THC at once (Breathes).

Despite marijuana lethality not being a concern, the risk of dependence still remains. Marijuana addiction is often not perceived as a large problem because only about 9% of users will exhibit traits of dependence (NIDA). That 9% that do become addicted will remain relatively high functioning in comparison to other drug addiction characteristics.

There is the possibility of mental health problems associated with marijuana use. Adolescents (under age of 15) who consume THC daily are considered five times more likely to develop depression and/or anxiety in later life (RCP). Those who frequently use marijuana as adolescents also have a higher risk of developing a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, later in life. While it is clear to say that marijuana use at a young age poses a higher risk for mental health problems the possibility of risk may still exist as the potential user ages.


The Advertisement uses visual imagery to captivate the potential viewer. Bold words and highly contrasting colors are used as an attention grabber to draw the unsuspecting eye. Important words are bolder making them pop out at the viewer so even if they do not fully read it they may still subconsciously register the message. Once the subject begins to read the advertisement it quickly becomes clear that it casts marijuana in a positive light. This advertisement does not use deception although it certainly would resonate with the target audience. The use of a “normal” person makes it easier for the viewer to imagine themselves using marijuana in a non-threatening way.


From my perspective and research marijuana can be harmful if misused but if the user is able to use it responsibly at a mature age they most likely will not experience many negative effects. Balance is essential when it comes to marijuana use. If one is able to use marijuana infrequently at times when it does not inhibit them in any way then I think there can be benefits to using it.

I have seen very good examples of both irresponsible and responsible marijuana use. One of my very close friends began using marijuana and now has continued to smoke roughly half a gram of THC concentrates a day. Using this much marijuana is not a healthy habit. It can impare his normal functioning (not being able to operate a vehicle) and he spends a significant amount of money on it. On the flip side, I have friends who use marijuana infrequently to relax when they are very stressed. This can be a good thing for them because stress can cause many adverse health effects.

I would not recommend anyone use marijuana if they are still young and developing mentally. It is hard to say if I would recommend marijuana to a fully developed adult as there are many variables. If I felt that they were at a place in their life where they were financially stable and able to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle while partaking in marijuana use then I would say the choice is theirs!


Project, M. P. (n.d.). Marijuana Policy Project | We Change Laws. Retrieved October 26, 2017, from

Kobliski, K. J. (2005, March 17). The Advantages of Transit Advertising. Retrieved October 24, 2017, from

Use Real People or Celebrities in Your Advertising Campaign? (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2017, from

ElSohly, M. A., Mehmedic, Z., Foster, S., Gon, C., Chandra, S., & Church, J. C. (2016, April 01). Changes in Cannabis Potency over the Last Two Decades (1995-2014) – Analysis of Current Data in the United States. Retrieved October 26, 2017, from

US CO: Column: How Much THC Equals A Lethal Dose? (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2017, from

Abuse, N. I. (n.d.). Is marijuana addictive? Retrieved October 25, 2017, from

(n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2017, from

Coffee, The Solution

I choose coffee as my drug topic because before we talk about coffee as a drug I did not considerate it a drug. I come from a strict family, where drugs are not allowed, not matter if it is a licit or illicit drug. The only time my parents drink alcohol are on holidays, but the funny thing is that they both need to drink a cup of coffee to start their morning. I do not think they realize that coffee is also a drug, and the same thing happened to me. I did not see anything bad on drinking coffee every morning, as my parents. However, now I know what caffeine really means, as we talk in class, coffee is a simulant that increase the functioning of the nervous system. I also know that companies spend billions of dollars to get more people as much they can. An example, is how “digital [advertising] made up 36.7% of total media ad spending in 2016 and will account for around half by 2021. Mobile will be the main driver of this growth, comprising 70.3% of digital spend in 2017” (eMarkete, 2017). Being expose to all these advertising is making hard to not consume drugs.

Another reason I decided to write this blog about coffee is because I want other people to know that coffee advertising are no reflecting what coffee really is, and then they can take their decision about drink or not coffee. I am not saying coffee should not be allow because it’s bad, but people have the right to see the coffee as a drug and not just as a solution to everyday  problem. To write this blog I decided to use a video ad from Lavazza called “Lavazza ‘Ode To Coffee’ commercial 2017,” by Lavazza

I choose this video ad because it was made this year (2017) that means it recent, it was post on Apr 5, 2017. Another reason is because this a good example on how coffee companies sell their drugs without telling to their customers that coffee is a drug, but a solution to any problem, or situation.

More 120 Years of History

  • Everything started when Luigi Lavazza opened Lavazza’s first grocery shop in via San Tommaso, in Turin, in 1895. He discovered the different origins and characteristics of the coffee plant, and studied the art of blending to meet the tastes of customers, creating the blends.
  • It was just after World War I and Turin was bustling: the Lingotto plant entered into production for Fiat, and the Lavazza grocery shop became a small business.
    • In this same period (1927) Lavazza started to use Pergamin: a pack with two layers of paper that maintains the fragrance of coffee.
  • The first Lavazza logo was created in 1946 by the Aerostudio Borghi in Milan. The central letter “A”, larger than the other letters, still identifies us today.
  • The coffee we buy today is still in vacuum packs. The first time it was packed this way was in 1950.
  • This made long-term conservation, and hence much wider distribution, possible.
  • In 1959, we launched Lavazza’s first decaffeinated coffee: DEC.
  • The largest roasting plant in Europe, in Settimo Torinese was built in 1965.
  • The world’s largest coffee school existing today was created during the 1979’s, under the name Luigi Lavazza Center for Studies and Research into Coffee.
  • In 1989, the Vending sector was formed with the Lavazza Espresso Point system: an espresso machine that uses single-serve pre-packed coffee capsules.
  • In 1982, Lavazza Coffees Ltd. was set up in London in 1990 to spread Italian coffee in the UK.
  • In 1993, art, photography and design were included in advertising.
  • 2004 saw the opening of the Giuseppe and Pericle Lavazza Foundation, a non-profit organization that seeks to improve people’s living conditions in coffee-growing countries.
    • The main project is called: “Tierra.” In this project we have permanently improved, in eight countries, the living conditions of more than 3,000 caficultores, boosting economic growth, improving their lifestyle and introducing new, more ecological and profitable agricultural techniques.
  • 2012- The Sustainability Report, illustrated the results of the commitment in the sustainability field.
    • we have launched a programmer aimed at assessing the environmental performances of various key products
  • In 2004, the Lavazza calendar took coffee into space, with the photographs of Thierry Le Gouès, inspired by Barbarella and the pop and science fiction imagery of the Sixties and Seventies.The same year, Lavazza took Italian espresso onto the International Space Station, in collaboration with Argotec and the Italian Space Agency (ASI).
  • The Lavazza coffee we drink today is the result of his idea: combining coffees from different parts of the world (Asia, Africa, Brazil, Sud-America, etc.). These coffees are harvested, processed, mixed and roasted to create many different and balanced blends, and satisfy the taste of every one of us.
  • Lavazza celebrated 120 years of history in 2015, where Lavazza was presenting the first Lavazza compostable
  • capsule for preparing a perfect Italian espresso, respectful of the environment.
  • In 2017- Lavazza is celebrating 122 years of being not just in the Italy marker but around the world.

Is Children a target of Lavazza Coffee? 

The audience of Lavazza is everyone who needs a solution to any problem in their lives, which mean everyone. The song of this ad is basically about when is a good idea to have a cup of coffee, for example when you need an advice, before texting you ex, when you need to convince police officers, impress a some you like, etc. but the example that most caught my attention is when I the minute 0:58 appears a cartoon astronaut. In this cartoon they represent their achievement to take “Italian espresso onto the International Space Station, in collaboration with Argotec and the Italian Space Agency” (ASI). This make me wonder why decided to add a cartoon in this ad, is it because children like cartoons? Or is it because they want people to think that this commercial is innocent. I feel that this a technique that reflex innocence, because most of cartoons are for children, and if this ad has a cartoon it means it nothing is wrong about it? Because of this cartoon I will say that the intended audience is not just everyone who needs a solution to their problems but also children.

Is Caffeine Addictive?

The active ingredient in coffee is caffeine, which means coffee is a stimulant and a psychoactive drug. That means, caffeine “acts primarily upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior” (ScienceDaily). That is one reason people experiment paranoid, anger, high energy, and other synthons after drinking a cup of coffee or any other stimulant.

One of the physiological effect in our bodies after drinking caffeine is that if “you stop taking caffeine abruptly, you may have symptoms for a day or more, especially if you consume two or more cups of coffee a day” (WebMD Medical, 2017). You can experiment many symptoms of withdrawal from caffeine, some of them are headache, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating and other symptoms. However, caffeine does not cause serious withdrawal or harmful drug-seeking behaviors as street drugs or alcohol.

Based on Patrick Di Justo, claims in the article “Here’s everything that’s hiding in your cup of coffee” that “caffeine’s primary mechanism in the brain is blocking the effects of an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine (Patrick Di Justo, 2015). That means that when stimulants like coffee block neuroreceptotors for the sleep chemical adenosine you are awake.

On the other hand, Caffeine “doesn’t threaten your physical, social, or economic health the way addictive drugs do,” (myth and fact) for example, alcohol. For this reason, most experts don’t consider caffeine dependence a serious addiction. But this does not mean that you do not spend a lot of money drinking coffee every day. “Americans on average, each American drinks 3.1 cups of coffee a day, adding up to $40 billion spent annually on coffee in the U.S. alone” (Katy Osborn, 2015).

Some Advertising Strategies 

  • The main technique that I see in this video ad is that they are not targeting only one kind of person but suggesting that a cup a coffee is the solution to everything, at any time, that way they are targeting a bigger group of people as possible.
  • Another strategy is that they used a soft and relax tone in their music. Which I think is contradictory to what caffeine really does on the body. But this music make the audience think that no matter how bad their day is going, coffee will fix everything.
  • The video has humor, which I think is a good strategy because people are more likely to watch the whole video if they are have fun with it.
  • As English is my second language I always like to have subtitles on everything I watch. I think their strategy on having subtitles of the song is because they are considering not just one language/culture but because Lavazza coffee is all around the world they want to make sure that their ads are understanding.

This video ad does not explain the ingredients or what the side effects of caffeine are. They just focus on how coffee is “great.’

In conclusion

Even though I know caffeine affects can be dangerous, as coffee drinker I think is hard to decide whether or not I will recommend to my friend or family members think coffee. I think my answer will be that they can decided after I explained the cons and pros of caffeine as a stimulant. After, I will recommend then to drink coffee in small amounts, because based on my research caffeine is not addictive and even though it “does not cause the severity of withdrawal or harmful drug-seeking behaviors as street drugs or alcohol,” (Patrick Di Justo, 2015) it can cause symptoms of withdrawal as headaches, fatigue, anxiety, etc. when you stop drinking coffee.

However, coffee a good way to increase is energy. Based on the article “Caffeine Myths and Facts” by WebMD a good method to drink this stimulant is to drink it before 2:00 pm, because “caffeine has a relatively short half-life,” which means “after eight to 10 hours, 75% of the caffeine is gone” (WebMD Medical, 2017) from the body. Another point to keep in mind is that if you are trying to save some money, drink coffee everyday might not be a good idea.


Di, P. (2015, MAR 18). Here’s everything that’s hiding in your cup of coffee. Retrieved from the website Business Insiders

ScienceDaily. Psychoactive drug. Retrieved from the website ScienceDaily

WebMD Medical. (2017, April 30). Caffeine Myths and Facts. Retrieved from the website WebMD

Osborn, K. (2015, September 29). Here’s where your coffee habit costs the most. Retrieved from the website Money

eMarkete.(2017, March 15). US ad spending: The eMarketer forecast for 2017. Retrieved from the website eMarkete

Lavazza. Timeline. Retrieved from the website


By Karina Marroquin, October 25, 2017.

I’m SO HIGH right MEOW

Fuzzy orange cat pictured on ad for “Clear Choice Cannabis” Next to him it says “I’M SO HIGH RIGHT MEOW”

Pictured here is an ad for a marijuana dispensary in Washington. I picked this ad because it is one I have seen near my own home and have personal experience with this billboard. The company marketing this product is called Clear Choice Cannabis. This is one of many cannabis stores in Tacoma. SeaTac is where the main airport in WA is, so it is a hot spot for marijuana since it is the first place where people from out of state see legal WA marijuana. Clear Choice does not have info on their website about their founding date, but it would be within the last 5 years of legal marijuana in WA state. Cannabis shops, like any kind of shop, are there to bring in revenue and that is why they advertise. They also tell us they’re dedicated to enhancing each users cannabis experience. Intended audience for this can be people from non-legal marijuana states.  The ad is goofy, making a cat pun. It intends to get the attention of the young or goofy “stoner” crowd.

The issue with the message pictured is in the nature of the cat. It is an image that catches the attention of children and that can cause problems. This billboard has actually been causing some drama within the area, since a warm fluffy cat may bring children’s attention to the billboard and children would then learn about cannabis. State lawmakers are always concerned with the federal law, and by being unstrict about cannabis they put a target on the back of our states cannabis industry. This is making lawmakers reevaluate the limits on advertising with this industry. New rules would limit the amount of fluffy fuzzy animals and images of actual cannabis for the sake of children and others.

Cannabis’ active ingredient is Tetra Hydra Cannabinol, or more commonly known as THC. To learn more about how THC acts in your brain when you smoke, follow this link to see Hank Green explain in a well cited video. Now the dangers of cannabis are not extremely flushed out since its legality is not widespread. There have been links from excessive weed smoking to lung cancer and emphysema, especially when paired with tobacco smoking, as we see in this study. A lot of the definite risks I have seen associated with cannabis are related to the act of smoking it more so than the actual active ingredient itself. Mentally, marijuana can make a person more depressed after long usage, according to this article. The ad mentioned earlier does not tell us much about the long term effects of cannabis because it would not prove to be effective marketing.

A lot of the real issues with cannabis exist because of racism that the drug is used to enforce. Although both black and white people use cannabis as often as each other, the arrest rates are drastically different. In most cases black people are 4x more likely to be arrested for cannabis use, and in some places like Maryland and Washington DC black people are 8x more likely to be arrested for marijuana use, according to this article by The Washington Post. Even in places where weed is legal it is still skewed against those in minority. Smoking is only allowed in private homes, never public places and multi family housing with anti-smoking policy includes the smoking of cannabis.

This ad sensationalizes marijuana with lighthearted goofy imagery. The cat represents a silly lighthearted culture associated with weed and grabs the general audiences attention with the humor from the pun. Appealing to a persons sense of humor is a very strong advertising strategy. Cats are also very hip right now, with popular internet culture, having a cat present on the ad is almost the same as having a very relatable celebrity. This is deceptive because it doesn’t actually make you any funnier than you are, which the ad implies, but there is some truth to it in the way that a high person would really appreciate that pun because of their altered mental state.

All in all, I would not mind my friends and family using cannabis. Personally, as long as they have a positive relationship with the drug that doesn’t go into the territory of dependence then who am I to invade what they do in their personal time. This is also just a result of my own laid back personal philosophy.

Tobacco Advertisement Debunk


The Truths of Tobacco

By Tess Davis


I’ve chosen tobacco because tobacco has not gotten old in practice. It has never gone out of season. Nicotine will never go out of style. This advertisement was prominent to me because it embodies the fact that tobacco will never be boring to its smokers and it will continue to take on new forms of being used. Here, I have exemplified the Camel Crush. Now the cigarette can have the option to be either just a cigarette or a menthol infused cigarette at any time during that particular smoking.


As tobacco smoking has taken on new forms, this has kept it an exciting part of global culture. Nicotine, one of the most used legal drugs around the world, has captured the attention and lungs of many. Its ability to become so widely used has come from the false advertising that has held tobacco so highly, the lack of information people actually have on the ingredients and the ever evolving additives that companies are not only mixing with tobacco products, but additionally substituting tobacco products with. As we will discuss Camel Cigarettes, their innovation will reinvent the practices of smoking tobacco through rolling cigarettes and through pipe smoking. Camel Cigarettes will inadvertently be related to the invention of things like chew and vaping as Camel proved that consuming tobacco products could be altered to compliment different forms of life and different times. The evolution of Camel Cigarettes has been alive and thriving for over a hundred years taking the lives of many as it grows for the interest of capitalistic profit.  


According to R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company by Barry McGee, Camel Cigarettes was born in 1913 and fathered by R.J. Reynolds and his growing R.J. Reynolds tobacco industry. Raised by a tobacco farmer, Reynolds was introduced to the tobacco industry at a very young age, the result eventually being the R.J. Tobacco Company. By growing up in the smoking marketplace this led to innovations such as adding artificial sweetener to chewing tobacco and inventing the first pre-rolled cigarettes. Reynolds’ mission was to cash in on the cigarette marketplace by appealing to the public with this new and innovative pre-rolled cigarette that had taken a lot of the work out of smoking. Beforehand patrons had rolled their own. As Reynolds had died in 1918, his Tobacco Company lived on through his brother.


One of the gimmicks for selling Camel products down the line included catering to younger people. R.J. Reynolds even stated that, “Realistically, if our company is to survive and prosper, over the long term, we must get our share of the youth market” (Camel Cigarettes). In the 1970’s due to the their competition, Marlboro, they wanted to target the age group of 14 year olds to 24 year olds and even thought of targeting this age group through the appeal of comics. In 1988 this target for younger smokers continued with the creation of Joe Camel, a cartoon camel who was made to appear with sunglasses that often gave off a cool and stealthy appearance that was often depicted in casinos and bars. This cartoon cigarette prop in turn increased the proportion of young users. The proportion of cigarette users is still majorly younger patrons.


As this ad was found online and the internet has become a large part of how young people today interact, young people are more likely to see it. Due to the fact that younger people are targeted in the cigarette market, this ad is particularly intriguing for several reasons. As noted earlier, the link to coupons appeals to those who lack financial stability which is experienced by a lot of youth today. This in turn, reals them in. Then with the contrast of loud colors, specifically the red in the word “BOLD”, this targets the idea that youth today and wild and free. It is as if the cigarette is telling people that it will make them more bold. It also challenges the idea of trying something new verses those who dislike change. It gives people the option of being bold, to crush the Camel Crush, but it is not forced and one does not have to do it if they don’t want to. It in turn is a comforting cigarette, for those stuck between wanting to be outgoing but also wanting to not change.


On the ad, in the bottom left corner in small text it reads “Surgeon General’s Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.” With this disclaimer, on the ad or on a packet of cigarettes for that matter, they do not list what is actually in a cigarette besides tobacco. What may have started as a mixture of Turkish and Virginia tobacco in Turkish rolling paper as Barry states, has now transformed into something far more complex.


According to BBC Worldwide’s What’s in a cigarette?, cigarettes contain 599 additives which include the following: ammonia, arsenic, benzene, butane, carbon monoxide, cyanide, lead and many other substances. As with the Camel Crushes, there is a small capsule of menthol added to the top of the cigarette for its users to squeeze then resulting in a release of menthol. So, in the end, cigarette smokers know that cigarettes cause these dangerous results, however, do not typically know what goes into them. Of course these additives aren’t good for those who use them. Not only are a good portion of these additives poisonous, but also addictive. Essentially these additives destroy the body, but also create an addiction to them. People grow to need them mentally, physiologically and physically. The body needs them, but then they become a way to battle stress and life’s mental obstacles. It becomes a way to relax. The ad focuses on how it is the same tobacco as it was before, however, people think that it is just tobacco and disregard the additives that could be included. The ad is essentially disregarding the components that makes smoking these cigarettes even more harmful to the body than just smoking straight tobacco. The ad is a misrepresentation of what is actually in these cigarettes.


As noted previously this ad uses various things to catch the attention of its users. In advertising using colors that oppose each other, like blue and red, catch the eye of the patron. The human eye is attracted to what sticks out. Blue and red do not go together. The eye notices that. As also previously noted, the financial perspective also attractive to users. People are more attracted to things that they can save money on. They see “coupon” and they are even more intrigued. People are also more attracted to advertisements that capture aspects of being more outgoing. They read “BOLD” and they have this idea that by smoking the Camel Crush, this will make them more bold than they were. It also attracts the cigarette smokers that like to have options with what they smoke, menthol or nonmenthol. Also noted before, this ad creates the idea that those who smoke it will only be smoking a mixture of tobacco and menthol. It does not outline the additives.


As I have actually smoked this type of cigarette, I did enjoy the menthol capsule, however, it is still a cigarette. If I had to recommend a cigarette or any form of tobacco to a friend of family member, I would hands down always recommend American Spirit. Their tobacco does not include any of the additives that other cigarette brands sneak in. Besides their menthol cigarettes that contain a mixture of menthol and tobacco the American Spirit tobacco has grown more popular over time due to its simplicity and target towards exposing other tobacco companies that use poisonous additives. Due to a new generation of people who have taken a popular liking to vaping and alternatives to tobacco with additives, American Spirit has been marked as one of the more honest tobacco brands on the market.


However, by stating this, I am in no way saying that American Spirit is safer to smoke. Tobacco is still tobacco and is in no way good for you. On the package for American Spirit cigarettes, one will find it states, “100% free of chemical additives.” If one wants to avoid all the additives though, American Spirit is the way to go.  As modern times has given consumers more opportunity to divulge into the products that they take a liking to, this has altogether given the populace more choices and also the ability to make the better choice. If someone were to see this advertisement and want a more honest option, one should look towards the American Spirit menthol options even if they do not include the Crush.


Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. (2013). Camel Cigarettes: A Long History of Targeting Kids. [PDF file]. Washington, DC: n.a. Retrieved from


McGee, Barry. (2006). R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Encyclopedia of North Carolina. Retrieved from r-j-reynolds-tobacco-company


What’s in a cigarette? (n.d.). Retrieved from



Coffee Comes in Many Varieties

Picture Advertisement:

Coffee is part of so many people’s lives nowadays and many people start their day with a cup of coffee. Coffee is what can make a difference in a lot of people’s moods. This Ad seems to hit the spot for a lot of people’s lives. Coffee can make a person’s day a lot better. I know people who are grumpy if they don’t get coffee in the morning or they are just not the same person without there cup of coffee. Coffee does really make a difference in many people’s lives and that’s why I choose this drug. Not only did I choose it because it makes a difference in people’s lives, but it impacts my mom also, if she doesn’t get her coffee in the morning she get bad migraines and I wanted to learn more about coffee and its effects on people.

Video of a Starbucks commercial: (

This video advertisement shows that Starbucks got flavors. This is the Frappuccino happy hour commercial and it shows how we are all different and that we all have flavor but so does Starbucks. This advertisement wants to draw the viewer in with the variety of delicious flavors that look amazing. I choose this video because it really draws me making me want to go and get one and I feel like that’s how advertisement should make people feel and go do.

The Starbucks Mission Statement:

“Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.”
“From the beginning, Starbucks set out to be a different kind of company. One that not only celebrated coffee and the rich tradition, but that also brought a feeling of connection.”

The History of Starbucks:

The first Starbucks opened in 1971. The company was a single store in Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market. In 1982, Howard Schultz joins Starbucks as director of retail operations and marketing. When he visited Italy in 1983 where he was impressed by the espresso bars in Milan and thought of the potential he could bring back and add to the coffeehouse in Seattle. So, in 1984 he convinced the founders of Starbucks to test the coffeehouse concept where it became a success and served the first Starbucks Caffè Latte.
By 1987 there had been a total of 17 stores and each year stores continue to open and by 1994 Starbucks opens there first drive thru with a total of 425 stores. The following year Starbucks starts to serve Frappuccino’s. By 1999 there was 2498 stores open and stores start opening by the thousand each year on. By 2015 there was 22,519 total stores opened all over the word.

Some Awards and Recognition:

One of the “Most Admired Companies in America”
Fortune – 2003–2015
One of the “World’s Most Ethical Companies”
Ethisphere – 2007-2015

Starbucks Advertisement:

This Advertisement from Starbucks does aim to a certain audience which are couples and people who are wanting to go out on a date. Coffee dates seem to be very popular nowadays. But coffee is for anyone who need a boost of energy, need something hot or cold, sweet or black. They have so many flavors in coffee that it’s hard not to like something from Starbucks. Anyone who is old enough to drink coffee is the intended audience that Starbucks tries to catch the eyes of.
This Ad in particular would only be around during the Valentines season. Along with their Valentines drink.

Facts about Coffee:

Coffee comes from a bean, so it contains phytonutrients and polyphenols, chemical compounds found in plants that are believed to have antioxidant benefits, but caffeine is the nutrient that people are most aware of in coffee.
The active ingredient in coffee is caffeine, which is a stimulant and the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world. “64% of Americans drink at least one cup a day—a statistic that’s barely budged since the ’90s.” Which was stated in the Times.
Up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. That’s about four cups of brewed coffee. But for adolescents they should limit their consumption of caffeine.
A small home-brewed cup of coffee could contain 50 mg, while a big 16oz Starbucks Grande can contain over 300mg.
• “Drinking coffee is associated with a drastically reduced risk of type II diabetes. People who drink several cups per day are the least likely to become diabetic.”
• “Coffee is associated with a much lower risk of dementia and the neurodegenerative disorders Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.”
• “Coffee appears to be protective against certain liver disorders, lowering the risk of liver cancer by 40% and cirrhosis by as much as 80%.”

There are side effects from drink too much coffee which are:

• Migraine headache
• Insomnia
• Nervousness
• Irritability
• Restlessness
• Frequent urination or inability to control urination
• Upset Stomach
• Fast heartbeat
• Muscle tremors
• Tremors
• Dizziness
• Anxiety

How it works:

“The caffeine enters your bloodstream and quickly finds its way to your brain, where it works as a stimulant and boosts alertness and energy.”
Controlled trials show that caffeine improves both mood and brain function. Caffeine raises metabolism and increases the oxidation of fatty acids. Caffeine’s primary mechanism in the brain is blocking the effects of an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine. Drinking large amounts of coffee can cause a spike in blood pressure and heart rate. There isn’t a clear explanation as to why caffeine causes this increase in blood pressure, but it’s likely due to increased adrenaline and other hormonal responses brought on by the stimulant.

Advertising techniques used:

There are a ton of coffee advertisement out there in this world. The videos/ commercials tend to grab the audience’s eyes. Also, there are promotions, billboard, posters in the windows, signs and even clothing that advertise coffee.





Coffee is wonderful, it has great taste, wakes me up, makes me more alert and awake. Coffee always warms me up when I get it hot or cools me down when I get it iced. It’s not just something I get because it wakes me up, but I also get it because of the taste and the varieties of flavors that I can choose from when ordering from Starbucks is always great. I may not get coffee everyday like many other people do but I do get coffee a couple times a week.
Coffee also really helps with constipation which everyone gets once in a while so that’s also another reason to drink coffee. I would definitely recommend coffee to anyone of my friends and family members and really anyone who isn’t a child, because it’s probably the least harmful ‘drug’ out there. As long as you don’t drink more than 400mgs of caffeine a day you should be fine. But some people maybe more sensitive to caffeine than others so just watch out for the side effects and limit your intake of coffee per day. There is a coffee out there for almost everyone since there is so many ways you can get your coffee made for you it’s incredible.


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