490 Visits Seattle


The 490 Seminar class had the opportunity to visit Seattle last week. Robin Held of the Frye Museum guided us through the Ming Wong show, which was the first U.S. show for the recent Venice Biennale exhibitor.

We also had the chance to visit Cornish College of the Arts Professor Artist Craig Snyder. Craig gave us a wonderful presentation of his recent works and video pieces.

Kachina Dolls

These are hand carved dolls made by Hopi Indians. They are depictions of their spiritual deities, intended for worship practice. They are of animals or deceased Hopi tribe members.

I just think they have a really neat quality about them!


Key to the City

I love this concept. One of my favorite projects put on by Creative Time in New York.


A citywide public art project that allows every New Yorker and visitor to open spaces in all five boroughs.

Key to the City is now officially closed, but you can still use your key to open the locks below:

The Point
The Rincon Criollo Cultural Center
PS 73
Bronx County Court House
Louis Armstrong House Museum
Eddie’s Sweet Shop
Staten Island Buddhist Vihara
Conference House Park <!– Kiosk open June 3 to 27, 2010
Times Square, Broadway
Between 43rd & 44th Sts
Open M–F 2p–8p; Sa–Su 12p–8p


Compiling Student Websites

Hey everybody!

If you are currently a photography and/or art student here at WWU, or a recent alumni, we want to hear from you!  The blog is in the process of creating a page of current and alumni art student websites that will be available for public access.

If you have an art website, Flickr, Tumblr, etc. that you would like us to link to, simply comment on this post with your name and we’ll start compiling the page. Hopefully this will become a rich resource which can be used by fellow art students, faculty, and more!

Stone Nudes by Dean Fidelman

Dean Fidelman’s Stone Nudes are interesting to me…both as a photographer and as a rock climber. I really enjoy the elegant figure forms and rock forms he photographs.

Stone Nudes: an extract of the art of climbing. Intended to inspire and celebrate the human form. Stone Nudes draws from the community it represents. Over the last ten years, a body of over one hundred photographs drawing from three generations of climbers has evolved.

Unlike current climbing media, these images do not seek to sell or promote anything beyond the experience. This approach has attracted climbers of all abilities to participate in a project designed to capture the essence of the climbing sprit.

-Dean Fidelman