Reverse Graffiti

Reverse Graffiti is an art form that removes dust or dirt rather than adding paint. Some find it intriguing, beguiling, beautiful and imaginative, whereas others look upon it in much the same way as traditional graffiti – a complete lack of respect for the law. It challenges ideals and perceptions while at the same time shapes and changes the environment in which we live, whether people think for the better, or not. For most information visit or 35 Greatest Works of Reverse Graffiti

Hailing from Brazil, Alexandre sees his art work as a way of getting an environmental message across to those who ordinarily wouldn’t listen.


Reverse graffiti artist Moose makes a big statement about clean in San Francisco’s Broadway Tunnel. Shot by documentarian Doug Pray.


Woods Coffee holding contest to create downtown art landmark

The Woods Coffee is looking for a one-of-a-kind coffee cup design to build a sculpture outside its newest café at the Flatiron Building near Holly Street. It’ll fit at the Woods’ front entrance, near the Rocket of Rocket Donuts fame and The Sentinel (also known as the scepter) artwork. The person who comes up with the winning design will receive a $1,000 gift card to The Woods Coffee.

The Bellingham Herald wrote an article about it on Jan. 26th, but you can also visit Woods’ facebook page for contest guidelines.

Kim Holtermand


Holtermand’s photos feel dreamy to me. I first saw his “Tuve” series. I like how otherworldly and ethereal the rocks are.

According to his Behance profile he “is a freelance architectural and landscape photographer from Denmark. When he’s not out taking moody epic photographs of architecture, Kim works as a fingerprints expert in The Crime Scene Unit of The Danish National Police.” I think he’s reworking his website because nothing is on it, but you can also try looking at it.

Also, he’s a fingerprints expert. I find that pretty intriguing.

Ann M Clark

This was my high school art teacher, Ann M Clark. I have always loved her work, she does some amazing stuff with fibers and fiber optics. She built cast paper hearts and builds fiber optic environments inside of them, visible through the artery.

too see more


Afghan Culture Museum

I was reminded of this museum when I was watching the video about Google’s Art Project. I first learned about this virtual museum when I was back east this summer. Many professionals in the museum business are planning to move towards more virtual exhibitions.  This museums is created in the location of the  Buddhas of Bamyan that were destroyed in 2001, and was designed by an architect although it will never be built.

Horizon Airlines Photo Contest

If anyone is interested, I read about a photo competition when I was flying to Pullman this winter. You can submit up to 3 photos, edited or not, and they have to be postmarked by February 15. First prize is two first class tickets to any Alaska airlines location.

More Info

David Semeniuk

“Landscape Permutations is a series of imaginative recombinations of specific sites within my hometown – Red Deer, Alberta. In it, I investigate the relationship between a place and the specific sites that make up its (sub)urban landscape. I began this series by asking, what does it mean when different sites, at particular points in time that they are photographed, can easily substitute for the same place? Do we lose the specificity of the site, or does the repetition of these urban elements – pulled together – illuminate something about the specificity of place? While these images produce new spaces, they nevertheless feel eerily familiar.”