Local (Somewhat) Commercial Photography

Here’s Michael Jones. A well recognized and highly talented photographer from Vancouver, WA. His work balances fine art and commercialism very well and definitely captures the emotion of the product or model in every frame.

He recently did work for the US Census, traveling across the country capturing the essence of America.


You can check out that project: HERE


Printing Process – Cliché Verre

I enjoy printing Cliché Verre, and that’s exactly what the Photography 391 class is working on at the moment. Garth mentioned a step-by-step guide to making the digital negatives while in class, and I think this is what he was referencing:

Other Types of Negatives | Reframing Photography

Ian's Clavicle (Cliché Verre, C-print) - Anna Zuck

Dental Work - Cliché Verre

Dental Work (Negative) - Anna Zuck

Dental Work - Cliché Verre

Dental Work (C-Print) - Anna Zuck

To be barefoot

So today is One Day Without Shoes. It is a day that Toms shoes puts on to bring awareness to children without shoes. With our discussions Monday in class about how people have some sort of fascination with taking photos of their feet in combintation with Tom’s awareness day, I wanted to ask people to post photos that they have taken in the past of their feet in various locations.

tres cool, oui?

I don’t know how to post the links, but here are some aerial photographs by a french photographer i stumbled on today.


see you all in class tomorrow :p