“You’ve come a long way Baby”

This is a really awesome culture magazine that my design teacher showed us in class today. Its called GOOD-and there are tons of photos, articles, and design ideas for those interested in proactive media.  I just read this article on equal payday tips for women:


Scope around and see if you find something you like!


[vimeo 22134219 w=400 h=225]

Concept Camera: The WVIL from Artefact on Vimeo.

Here’s a really interesting camera concept from Artefact that my friend and WWU alumni is involved with. Personally I’m not sure what to think about it. Obviously it has some amazing potential but when I saw the quick editing feature my heart sank a little bit. I imagine that the settings “gradient” and “vintage” etc etc were largely inspired by the hipstimatic app from iPhones. Getting to the point; it seems like the entire drive is to market toward mobile device technology and social media in particular (with the end goal of selling it to the masses.) So what does that say about it’s potential to be used as a tool for fine art? Are we as artists going to be drowned out by a sea of mediocre digital sepia tones? Am I just afraid of change?

Danny Perez

Danny Perez is an experimental video artist. His work is so cool! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting/spending some time with Danny when he was in Seattle in 2010 as well as seeing some of his work on a giant screen with surround sound. He’s really fascinating and creates very interesting and provocative work.

Below I’ve included some stills from some of his video work…

Danny Perez’ website.