When a photograph is not just a photograph. Look at these pictures and get inspired for new ways to compose a photograph.
Monthly Archives: May 2011
Ai Weiwei
Over a month ago, Jenessa posted a link to an article on the detainment of artist Ai Weiwei. The story continues to grow as Weiwei’s art circulates through galleries and museums without him.
The New York Times covers Ai Weiwei back in April: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/a/ai_weiwei/index.html
TIME Magazine names the artist one of the top 100 Most Influential People in the World: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2066367_2066369_2066464,00.html
You can sign a petition for the release of Ai: http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei
Emotion in Photography
Learning to Love you More – inspiration
I came across the book version of this website today and it’s full of different assignments that encourage you to be an explorer of your world, like any artist should. The website is no longer being updated with new assignments of posts but it’s maintained by The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and you should definitely check out the different assignments if you’re in need of some inspiration/motivation.
href=”http://www.learningtoloveyoumore.com/index.php” target=”_blank”>
Interview with Inventor of first digital camera
Richard Avedon Video
Just in case you wanted to watch the whole thing… and it even has catchier music!
Color Experiment between genders
This is pretty interesting. It was a study involving a two hour test naming colors and the results from it comparing genders.
Photo Students Cover Bellingham Festival of Music
Photo students Anna Zuck and Jonathan Bishop covered 2010’s Bellingham Festival of Music! There are a ton of great photos online for your viewing pleasure:
Stolen Camera?
Try the Stolen Camera Finder! It uses the serial number stored in your photos to find other pictures taken with the same camera… pretty interesting, and possibly useful. Check it.
David Doubilet
This guy is an underwater photographer for National Geographic. His website seems to be down at the moment, but do a google image search of him and you’ll see that he has some INCREDIBLE stuff! I wanna be just like him.