some girls I know (lucky me)

I hate to beat the dead horse that is the train track portrait but…

I scanned these in the lab recently and really liked how they look as a set – and more importantly it’s a great excuse to get this week’s post out of the way.

Anyway if you haven’t tried scanning your negatives yet it’s well worth it – all the smug satisfaction of using traditional film and none of the pain in the a** darkroom printing.

Fellow Student Inspiration

I went to high school with Paige Ormiston and now she is also a student here at WWU. She does some beautiful portraiture and I’m always amazed at the shots she gets around campus. She’s pretty good with photoshop too. Check out her flickr and website here:

Julien Brenton – Light Calligraphy

I’ve seen a lot of ‘light writing‘ photos on the internet, and they can vary in quality and creativity, but this weekend I found the best example to date. Julien Brenton does a lot of work with Arabic Calligraphy, and has moved to going some very powerful pieces with light writing. The examples below are bad screen caps, check it out here for better resolution.

Filters on the 35mm

My brother has been experimenting with filters on his 35mm camera – rather than altering the footage post production. Nice colors right? I’m sure I’ll end up posting more of his work, since he’s constantly sending me updates.

Reading Response 1

I think it’s pretty sweet that we’re constantly producing tears. It makes sense, but I never thought too hard on it before… After learning the basic parts of an SLR camera, the way light is handled by our eyes is a bit easier to grasp.

I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that the orientation of a camera will actually reorder information.

Personal Horizon lines are ridiculous, Camera obscuras and Pinhole cams are dope and YAY for Objective Distortion!


“Wastland” is a movie about art, people and their garbage. It follows renowned artist/photographer Vik Muniz as he talks and works with the garbage pickers from the worlds largest landfill in Rio de Janeiro. I found it really inspirational on several levels, I hope you do too! Its on netflix so maybe some of you have already seen it. If not, then check it out!

here’s the website: