This shall be interesting. I had never heard of the Holga camera before, so getting to meet with Paul Brower and seeing the images that he is able to create with the plastic camera was enlightening. It’s quite amazing! He has accomplished many striking images and I”m mightily impressed by his talent. I loved the way he has modified his cameras and his enthusiasm on the subject is contagious. I look forward to seeing what sorts of images I will produce. As the handout mentions: practice, practice, practice. I have no idea if my first roll of film will turn out, but I look forward to seeing the results. And it makes me happy that my Holga is pink. So at least I have that. 🙂
Monthly Archives: February 2012
Reading Response: Practice 2, Light and Shadow
This reading ties in nicely with our own Day and Night project. I like the Color of Light on page 147. When photographing images during different times of day or even throughout different times of the year, the way the light falls upon a subject and changes the coloring or appearance of the subject, all of this is very interesting to me. With our project, I got to play around with this idea of the effects that light has on a scene. I had some issues during my night shots. Having not much experience photographing at night, I misjudged the amount of light needed to actually capture an image. Because of this, I decided to use a flash, which didn’t turn out as successfully as I would have liked. I wish now I would have diffused the flash, as shown on page 151 of the text. This may have given me the look I was going for. This image is from a photography contest where the photogs had to capture day and night in one photograph. Cool.
Theory 2: Light and Shadow Response
I know this is a bit late. But better late than never, eh? I was mostly intrigued by the symbolism of the light and dark. Images of bright light are often associated with divinity and positivity. Hence the opposite for darkness: negativity, evil, corrupt and, to quote the text, a “primordial darkness of the void.” That’s a great sentence. I also responded to the look at film noir and the idea of light and shadow functioning as background characters, working to express a view of the world being captured at the time; being torn between good and evil, light and dark. I really like the idea that light can express the view of the subject, to establish a mood and tone that may not be represented by the subject themselves. This photograph reminded me of this reading, and I just really like it.
Holga Response
This handout was pretty short but I liked reading it as an overview of Paul’s lecture. I thought it was interesting that Holga’s are special and used so much because of their relative simplicity and their quirks – things that make it a “lemon”. I have a SuperHeadz.Tokyo toy camera and love using it for the same reason. It’s nice to have something light that you can always carry with you. The handout also says to try and take pictures in bright sunlight. This will be difficult in Bellingham unless we keep getting random days/hours of sun.
Langesque pic
Holga Handout
When I first learned about the Holga camera project, I really wasn’t sure what to expect. It didn’t seem like a project that whould be as exciting as digital photography. However, after learning about the simplicity and functionality of the Holga, I am now rather excited to start. I think that because the camera is so simple and cheap, it allows for more creativity and experimenting, which is key to great artwork. The camera has a fun uniqueness that is attractive after you get used to it, and I now see why it is gaining popularity with art photographers.
Cedric Delsaux
Reading Response 3: Holga
I really enjoyed learning about a specific type of camera and seeing that we were all going to use the same one to create projects seems like a really neat idea to see how everybody handles our similar cameras. I like the idea of basically going with whatever mistakes my camera might have and seeing what I can turn out using those to my advantage. The Holgas seem like a really cool platform to teach from and I am excited about developing and making prints with the 120 film and its image quality.
Holga Handout Response
The handout didn’t really explain how to load and unload the camera, so I’m glad that Paul Brower was able to demonstrate.
I also enjoyed how Paul and Carol’s main focus is Holga photography, but much of the final art products involve sewing. It’s an interesting combination of two entirely different art forms.
Holga Handout Response
The handout gives a solid overview of what to expect with the Holga, which was good. I’ve used my Holga a couple times before but have never had an official or knowledgeable lesson on the basics. Nothing more than reading the manual it comes with. The lecture from Paul Brower was awsomeeee. I’m glad to have gotten tips from someone so experienced with the camera. The lecture gave me lots of good things to think about!