Self Evident Truths Project

This project hopes that by sharing the faces of queer individuals it will be harder to discriminate against them. I think it is a nice gesture and a nice idea but I don’t have much faith in it. What do you think? Do you think a project like this can help?

Breastfeeding Controversy




It’s amazing sometimes how much a single photo can create so much outrage. Recently “Mom 2 Mom” (a breastfeeding support group) put out a picture that involved two women in military uniform feeding their babies. Negative responses immediately began to pour out  saying it was a “disgrace.” What do you think?


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“Light-Marking Photographic Alternatives”

I wish I would have taken the time to explore this section of the book about using solar-plates because I would have known what kind of image lends itself best to the process. The book talks about making test strips which would have been super handy during the workshop this quarter but regardless it was a great learning experience. Once again, the trouble shooting section of this chapter is insanely handy!

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“Alcohol Gel and Supersauce Transfers”

I really love doing transfers because unlike alternative processes like cyanotype, solarplates, platinum printing or Van Dyke Brown, you can use a color image to experiment with which results in a whole new array of possibilities and outcomes! The alcohol gel transfer was pretty nifty and cool but there wasn’t as much distortion as with polaroid transfers which is what i was hoping for, and supersauce would have been cool to try.

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“The Platinum/Palladium Process”

These last seven pages of this chapter were completely necessary, especially had we not had the help of Ken to troubleshoot the various issues most of us ran into during the platinum printing workshop. Listed are practically every issue one could run into during the process and reading it beforehand could definitely save someone a lot of stress and frustration because they could properly prepare their situation.

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“The Platinum/Palladium Process”

Because I was aware of what an awesome opportunity it was to get to experience the platinum process I explored this chapter beforehand so I could take full advantage of the unique qualities of platinum printing. This section does a good job of “demystifying the process as it clearly explains the sequence of the stages. It was actually very similar to the section about cyanotype in its layout and handiness. I appreciate the way the author uses images that combine different alternative processes, like Suzanne Solis’s Susquehanna, which combines a pin-hole negative with the platinum process.