Tutorial on steel wool. I was watching these earlier this week yesterday during the visit was the first time I’ve seen the orb with lights. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJkBLMhXvcQ
Steel Wool
Tutorial on steel wool. I was watching these earlier this week yesterday during the visit was the first time I’ve seen the orb with lights. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJkBLMhXvcQ
Well the back of everyone in 497c.
Inside the time machine.
Field trip to UBC.
Can you tell I like taking pictures of Holiday Valley Ski Resort. Sorry for the corny humor.
Yes… more night photographs of a ski resort in New York.
Yet an other ski resort night photo.
I took this photo at a ski resort in New York at night many years ago.
I am on my way to Home Depot to buy THIS! For my low lighting shots
Thanks Matt, it was KrAAazZZayY!