I found this guy looking at pictures of a band called, “the blood brothers” i thought they were interesting so here he is.
I found this guy looking at pictures of a band called, “the blood brothers” i thought they were interesting so here he is.
This Guy is pretty cool, he was a Sr. when i was a freshman in Highschool, he went to Brooks in Santa Barbera. He has really well executed fashion photography, but his travel photos are are great, he has a bunch in his blog, So here is a link to both.
You all probably know of this website but in case you don’t its an extremely valuable resource. You get a little bio of the artist and some of their images, its a great start to doing a research project or even just looking at other photographers.
hope it helps!
p.s. pay not attention to how jenky the website its!
I was looking up photos of classical musicians because i might be taking some of a quartet from western and i came across this person.
There is also this
I clicked on your link and it just took me to a website and i found this thing. It is an interesting concept i think that if they really did this with drug addicts it would have been more interesting.
still interesting though
that is Hasselblad’s website (this camera is 50 Mega Pickles)
that is insane!
Jane Tuckerman’s book “Ghosts” is the first art book i ever bought and i really like her stuff. I think she uses infrared film, check her stuff out it is really neat!
I went to the SPE conference this weekend and wanted to share Dan Powell’s work. He is the professor at the University of Oregon and particularly his photographs of the west that i like because i am always stunned at the beauty of our midwest.
http://dantpowell.com/section/224660_THE_WEST.html Continue reading