I'd love to see this print in person.
I saw a short film made by this guy last year. He’s an incredible landscape photographer from Australia. In my opinion his photographs are pretty inspiring.
For this project he biked a ton of camera gear into the middle of Lake Eyre, a dry lake in the Australian Outback. The lakebed is so enormous that from the center of it nothing can be seen but a perfectly flat horizon in every direction. He took some amazing images on large-format film. He calls it “a landscape without landscape.” The first image above above is after a rainstorm left water covering the ground a few inches deep from the viewpoint to the razor-thin horizon. Perhaps somewhat boring and featureless, but I think it has an intriguing, otherworldly quality, especially since it doesn’t have any digital manipulation. It almost looks like a gradient you might make with Photoshop.
He spent weeks out there, alone, and judging by the film he made, went kind of crazy from being in such a desolate, featureless place for so long.
Check out his website, it has several more incredible pictures.

His tent and bike on the lakebed.