Ryan McGinley

McGinley was on our grocery list of artist to look at for our natural light and the body narratives project. As I was looking at his website, I was inspired by the body and his use of the body and composition, and how his photos create a narrative with just one image.


Rain Photography

It can be frustrating waiting for those sunny days in the spring here in Bellingham, but here’s to show that pictures taken in the rain can be just as great.

Welcome to Nicolas Dupont’s “Rain”

Click images to see more.

Also reminds me of Steven Miller’s “Milky” series…

Ian Ruhter

Some of you may have seen this already, it’s pretty popular on the interweb. I know Ian Ruhter as a snowboarding/action sports photographer, but it seems like he has recently taken his photography in a very different direction. The video pretty much speaks for itself – wet plate collodion positives, in a van.

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/39578584 w=400&h=225]


First ever wet plate collodion skate photo, according to Ruhter

Ian Ruhter’s website is here.

The blog for his Silver & Light project is right here.

Both are definitely worth a look.

Imogen Cunningham, Judy Dater and Rodin

Also thinking about the next project, whatever its name may be. Here are a couple artists and images that have given me inspiration.

Nude, 1939, Imogen Cunningham

Self-Portrait with Stone,1982, Judy Dater

And last, but not least my favorite sculpture by Rodin.

Danaid by Rodin

Also: Its Bunny Time


And then…sleeping bunny

((      zzZZzz
( -.-)

Rineke Dijkstra

More inspiration for the next 390 project (the body and natural light, or the body and narrative, or architecture and bodies). Dijkstra makes portraits of people in transitional stages of life. She works in series (bullfighters after fighting, mothers after giving birth, awkward teens on the beach).

A portfolio of some of her images are right here. $$$$

Also this:


A friend of mine showed me this book ‘The Altered Landscape.’ IT IS SO COOL and really ties in to our architecture project. I don’t know how to show you guys much of it online but there might be a copy at the library because I think he is using it in his Planet class. Really though, if you want to see some crazy landscapes (altered, der..) check it out. There were even a couple of the Becher’s prints in it oh boy.