I found some cool examples of Holga photography online. You might have already seen these, but I thought I’d share
I found some cool examples of Holga photography online. You might have already seen these, but I thought I’d share
At first I was not very excited about the Holga camera project, It seemed silly to use a crappy camera and lense, and I was not really sure what I would learn. After seeing Paul’s photos, I think this project will be pretty fun. He had some very cool images. I haven’t developed any images yet, so we’ll see. I find it intriguing that each Holga has it’s own personality, and each one can be quite different, with different light leaks and distortions.
This handout was pretty short but I liked reading it as an overview of Paul’s lecture. I thought it was interesting that Holga’s are special and used so much because of their relative simplicity and their quirks – things that make it a “lemon”. I have a SuperHeadz.Tokyo toy camera and love using it for the same reason. It’s nice to have something light that you can always carry with you. The handout also says to try and take pictures in bright sunlight. This will be difficult in Bellingham unless we keep getting random days/hours of sun.
The handout didn’t really explain how to load and unload the camera, so I’m glad that Paul Brower was able to demonstrate.
I also enjoyed how Paul and Carol’s main focus is Holga photography, but much of the final art products involve sewing. It’s an interesting combination of two entirely different art forms.
The handout was a helpful start (I can finally take my Holga out of it’s box and feel like I know something!) however I am still looking forward to today’s class. The handout was very basic and was not helpful to techniques but rather just to take your very first shot. I’m excited to play with long exposures with the Holga and to finally play with a camera I don’t have to be too careful with seeing as the SLR I was using was actually my sisters. I’m curious if it’s possible to wind the film as you have the shutter open… or if that would be a terrible idea and a waste of film. It might make for some interesting night shots with glow sticks or some flash lights.
Between this reading and doing the artist presentation on Michelle Bates, a Holga photographer, I am really excited to start experimenting with the Holga. I have never used one before and was not really trusting in it for awhile since it became so popular, but I am excited to start exploring. I think the Holga really helps bring an artist back down the basics and allows them to start from scratch almost by being able to view the world through a less complicated piece of equipment. It is less intimidating and more about play and being spontaneous. Also, I’m interested in learning all the different ways to modify the camera and manipulating shoots more manually.
John Scurlock lives in Bellingham and takes aerial photos of the North Cascades in winter. He has a huge gallery.
You don’t need to ski or snowboard to appreciate this. http://vimeo.com/36896664 New York based photographer and filmmaker Jacob Sutton often uses light to explore movement.
Check out his website: http://www.jacobsutton.com