Jerry Uelsmann

These are some photos by Jerry Uelsmann. He is an American photographer who is known for manipulating his photos in the darkroom to create surrealistic images. This process doesn’t get as much praise as it deserves now that we can all make our pictures look like this in Photoshop, but his work is still is pretty cool looking.

Harmless Jellyfish

I found this video that I though was simultaneously relaxing and inspiring.  Good for dead week and finals. Apparently these jellyfish don’t sting people.  The pattern of the jellyfish in the water and the silence of the underwater scene are very beautiful.


Interview with Rineke Dijkstra/ New mother photos

Rineke Dijkstra is mentioned in our text book. The last image of this set is in the textbook but I had actually never seem them all together.

I was randomly looking for her work the other night and I thought I would share some of it with you guys.

She is also really well known for her awkward adolescents on the beach pictures.

Here is an interview with her-  rineke-dijkstra.html