Selfie #6: Me in a nut shell (Jan. 13)
Tag Archives: Collin Whalen
“Silver and Light”
Here is an amazing video I saw a year or two ago for the first time. It is about a man who built the worlds biggest home made camera that shoots onto giant silver plates. The process is extremely strenuous and expensive, but the final product is amazing. Quite the inspiration if you ask me.
Selfie #5: Black Flag Salami (Jan. 12)
Selfie #5: Black Flag Salami (Jan. 12) Collin Whalen
KOTR coverage (Jan. 13, 2014)
“Burnout” is an online photo article that Thrasher Magazine posts on a regular basis. Though this isn’t a photojournalism class, photojournalism is what I am interested in and the documentation of what people love to do, and the good and hard times that come along with it, is what I m passionate about; mainly in skateboarding and snowboarding, as those are the two things in life I am most passionate about. So I just wanted to share an article of a collection of photos from a cross-country skateboarding scavenger hunt that happens every year, and this is the documentation of the Chocolate skateboards team starting off their adventure in Denver, Colorado.
Selfie #4: Lava Pho (Jan. 11)
Selfie #4: Lava Pho (Jan. 11) Collin Whalen
Selfie #3: Wet Powder Boardin (Jan. 11)
Selfie #3: Wet Powder Boardin (Jan. 11) Collin Whalen
Selfie #2: Powder Boardin (Jan. 10)
Selfie #2: Powder Boardin (Jan. 10) Collin Whalen
Selfie #2: Baker Roolz (Jan. 10th, 2014)
Selfie #2: Baker Roolz (Jan. 10th, 2014) Collin Whalen
Selfie #1: Pizza face (Jan. 8, 2014)
Selfie #1: Pizza face (Jan. 8, 2014)
Collin Whalen