Shannon Leith is a “commercial” photography who hails from the eternally sunny reaches of Southern California (which is why all her photographs will strike envy and despair into your hearts if it’s raining). She is also has the heart of a true artist, as well as an eye for spontaneous beauty and the art of everyday things. Along with wedding photos you’ll find pictures of her muse-like cockatiel Cosmo, photojournals of the “Seeing” classes she teaches, and the occasional sink full of dirty dishes.
Her site description reads:
“Hello hello! I’m Shannon! HOW EXCITING THAT YOU’RE HERE.
I AM AN ARTIST: I believe that life is full and deep and I love to explore and celebrate the daily. I photography weddings, the sidewalk, people, trees…everything, nothing, the unique and the ordinary.”
This lady KNOWS people, and somehow manages to celebrate every wedding and engagement session with as much sincerity and gusto as she celebrates her own singlehood. What a woman, I tell you! Go check out her work!