Also thinking about the next project, whatever its name may be. Here are a couple artists and images that have given me inspiration.
Also: Its Bunny Time
And then…sleeping bunny
(( zzZZzz
( -.-)
Also thinking about the next project, whatever its name may be. Here are a couple artists and images that have given me inspiration.
Also: Its Bunny Time
And then…sleeping bunny
(( zzZZzz
( -.-)
Here’s a link to a random blog I look at a lot. It has a ton of images from photography to design work to painting. It”s definitely worth checking out. Here are a couple things I saw recently
fire flies at night by tsuneaki hiramatsu
Photographs by Matthias Heiderich
Photographs of Ink by Pery Burge
The handout gives a solid overview of what to expect with the Holga, which was good. I’ve used my Holga a couple times before but have never had an official or knowledgeable lesson on the basics. Nothing more than reading the manual it comes with. The lecture from Paul Brower was awsomeeee. I’m glad to have gotten tips from someone so experienced with the camera. The lecture gave me lots of good things to think about!
[ted id=1353]
The Artist is Erik Johansson. Public speaking may not be his thing but he’s art is pretty cool. He has interesting ideas about where photography is headed and new ways of being innovative!
I recently found some old print I had scanned back in High School. It’s pretty interesting/weird to look back through old work.
This is a photo of my little sister. It’s actually a tiny section of the original print. I ended up playing around in the darkroom, using cropping, enlarging and moving the negative holder around to get the desired image. Later I scanned it and touched it up a little in photoshop.
This was taken at St. James Cathedral in Seattle in between Capital Hill and Downtown.
I liked that the reading led up to the technical aspects of lighting with a history of sorts. I enjoyed that many different examples of light and shadow are given, and how they can be applied to photography. The passage “Symbolism of Light and Dark” was cool to read. After reading that I felt like it was possible to achieve a more emotional connection to lighting then just using it as a technical thing. The technical part of the reading was informative and is good information to look back on or reference. This complimented the projects we have been working on nicely.
A friend sent me the link to this flickr site and it turned out to be pretty cool. Check out Elle Moss for some portrait inspiration!
Here’s her link:
Elle Moss