
If you have a twitter and you’re interested in winning a Canon 7D check out this website.

No photo entry required just simply a tweet the message on the page as instructed. Good luck!

Tilt Shift

I really enjoy tilt shift photography and I just wanted to share with anyone who hasn’t heard of it before.

Here is a good example I found:
biG miNiaTURe wOrLd
(Photo links to the artist’s flickr profile.)

The most informational page I can find on tilt shift is wikipedia, so my apologies if you don’t trust wiki. Tilt Shift Photography – Wiki

Here is a large Tilt Shift group on flickr if you want to browse through some more examples. Tilt Shift

Woodland Park Zoo Internship

There is a photo internship at Woodland Park Zoo every summer. It is unpaid, but I’m sure it is a great experience. Besides you get to look at awesomesauce animals all summer! The deadline is April 15th. I know this is very short notice but if you’re interested that gives you a week to complete your application.

There is only one spot so best of luck!