
It was nice to learn about the super sauce method since we didn’t do it in class. it would have been nice to have done, especially since it can be applied to other materials besides paper. i liked learning about the hand sanitizer method. it’s so simple and pretty crazy easy. It’d be nice to experiment with more.


Reading about solar printing was a nice addition to everything Drew covered in class. It helped reinforce everything Drew said as well as drop in other facts. Being used to a regular print, it was very interesting to do a printmaking technique. I was particularly surprised how different the image looked when printed with a plate. However, when I printed out the negative regularly, i was surprised how close they were. It was nice to learn and actually do some printmaking, since I never ended up taking any of the classes.


Reading about the in depth details of Platinum printing was nice. it is a simple process but has a lot of factors that go into it to make a good print. while simple, there are still a lot of things that can go wrong, like coating the paper wrong, or not letting it dry, or having it puddle which will result in flecks and other unsatisfactory additions to your print.


This chapter was great, because, as we learned in working with the paper we bought, the kind of paper you use makes a HUGE difference in how well your photo prints. The chemical breakdown is nice, if you’re into science, or really want to delve into this process. Platinum printing was interesting.


Mooooooooore cyan. This is a lot of cyanotype info. Which is great. The great thing about the book is how indepth it goes. Most importantly, was learning about care for your cyan. It’s interesting too because Crista has a cyanotyped dress and she washes it like normal and it hasn’t turned yellow yet. I wonder if she uses a phosphate free detergent.


This chapter was good because it discussed methods to alter how your cyanotype looks. I thought this would be very helpful, considering that the cyanotype process is nice and simple, but you may not always want the blues. It also offers a fun new way to experiment.