Tree Portraits by Rodney Graham
Tag Archives: Louis Dawson
Cool Black and White City Shot
Jason Hummel Photography
Aerial Holga Photography
These aerial Holga photographs were pretty cool.
Cool Black and White Bridge Photos
Here’s some cool black and white photos of bridges. Looks like he used long exposures to smooth out the water.
Holga Inspiration
I found some cool examples of Holga photography online. You might have already seen these, but I thought I’d share
Holga Response
At first I was not very excited about the Holga camera project, It seemed silly to use a crappy camera and lense, and I was not really sure what I would learn. After seeing Paul’s photos, I think this project will be pretty fun. He had some very cool images. I haven’t developed any images yet, so we’ll see. I find it intriguing that each Holga has it’s own personality, and each one can be quite different, with different light leaks and distortions.
John Scurlock photography
John Scurlock lives in Bellingham and takes aerial photos of the North Cascades in winter. He has a huge gallery.
Reading Response
Theory 2: Light and shadow
This section was very informative. I love Film Noir films, and it was cool to see how that style of using light and shadow is also used by some photographers, and that it had it’s roots in the German Expressionist movement.
I was intrigued to learn a little bit more about Ansel Adams and Group f/64. I’ve been interested in his photography for a while, and it was cool to get a different perspective on his work.
Many of the other non-photographic techniques that utilized light and shadow were also intriguing. The physiognotrace, used to obtain an accurate, inexpensive profile sounded interesting. It’s incredible how much photography changed the world of the 1800’s.
Kumi Yamashita
I found Kumi Yamashita’s work while looking for some inspiration using light. While her work is more instalation than photography, it’s still pretty cool. Looks like it took quite a bit of work to get the shadows to look the way they do. Her website.