DIY Photography


DIY Photography (or DIYP in short) is a place dedicated to photography lovers. My deepest desire is to teach you how to take great pictures, and do so without breaking your bank account.

In the way to acheive that, we will discuss technology, photography techniques, share a ton of tips, and explore creative and cheap alternatives to expensive studio gear.




Lomography is a Magazine, a Shop, and a Community dedicated to analogue photography.

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It began with a fateful encounter in the early 1990s, when two students in Vienna, Austria, stumbled upon the Lomo Kompakt Automat – a small, enigmatic Russian camera. Mindlessly taking shots from the hip, and sometimes looking through the viewfinder, they were astounded with the mindblowing photos that it produced – the colours were vibrant, with deep saturation and vignettes that framed the shot – it was nothing like they had seen before! Upon returning home, friends wanted their own Lomo LC-A, igniting a new style of artistic experimental photography that we now know as Lomography!