Meeting Guidelines

We want SARA to be a space of learning and accountability. We want to create a culture of openness while striving to make sure that all students feel welcome.

The guidelines below were created in an effort to create such a space. Please take a moment to read them over before attending one of our meetings. If you take issue with any guideline, think a guideline should be added to the list, or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.


    • We are not here to argue about existence of racism. If you plan to come to SARA to debate whether racism is real, please find another space to do so. 
    • It’s Okay to Disagree: We all have different belief systems and ideas, and we do not have to agree on everything. Our differences and ability to understand and acknowledge them make us stronger. Let’s acknowledge our differences while remembering our common goals.
    • It’s Not Okay to Shame, Blame, or Attack: When you disagree or want to discuss a point someone has brought up, remember to be critical of the idea but not the person. We are all here to learn and are all at different points in our learning experience.
    • Use Self-Focus: Use your “I” words. Try to avoid making universal statements or saying “we” or “all womxn/ all people/ etc”
    • Intent versus Impact: Before you speak think about how your words will impact those around you. You can say something with the best of intentions but still be harmful. If you are called in because someone feels hurt by your words, do not take it personally and be willing to accept that sometimes even with the best of intentions we can hurt others.
    • Honor Confidentiality: What is said here stays here; what is learned here leaves here.
    • Make Space/ Take Space: We all have valuable ideas and insight to share. Pay attention to how much you are speaking or not speaking. Please try to contribute when you can and if you find yourself contributing a lot, step back and let others share.
    • Lean into Discomfort: If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, try to explore why and give that feeling a chance- it is very likely that if you are feeling uncomfortable, you have an opportunity to learn and grow. At the same time, you know your needs- step out and take a break if you need to.
    • Respect: Be respectful of others identities and pronouns; do not assume other people’s’ identities. Follow the golden rule.
    • You Will Fuck Up, and that’s okay! These guidelines aren’t meant to be rules to restrict us from speaking honestly; rather, think of them as ways in which we can work to hold ourselves accountable. Mistakes and messing up is an inevitable part of being humxn. When you fuck up, own it, apologize, and move on.

These guidelines are adapted from a variety of resources including the Real Food Challenge retreat, Bellingham Racial Justice Coalition, and the ideas of multiple individuals. 
