Author: AJ
Virtual Studio Tour ; October
October Virtual Studio Tour with Photographer AJ Barse AJ Barse is a digital arts specialist and an award-winning photographer based in the Pacific Northwest. His style is influenced by Cascadian outdoor culture and his passion for horology…
Discord & EdTech
A quick read from the folks at Discord on uses of the Discord platform, and how it could be used in edtech. What can Discord do? And didn’t it start off as a platform for gamer convo? Yes and in short… A dedicated, free to use, invite only class space for classes like AP US…
Little Learner Tech (part 2)
Outside Learning & Using Tech: Continuing from the first part in using tech indoors that foster learning, here we are getting out and using tech to augment our learning. In the PNW, the outdoors are an integral part for many of in our way of life or even our culture in this region. To offset…
Little Learner Tech (part 1)
Inside Learning & Using Tech: For anyone who has a little-one, being at home and not being able to have your child go out and just play has had its ups and downs. In the connected age, there were already worries and research on the impact of digital devices on cognitive development and attention spans.…
Tune Up; update to AV Tactics
As the Covid 19 pandemic progresses, I’ve been tweaking more and more of my home instructional ‘studio’ setup; and with it recommendations for others to try out. The original “AV Tactics” series I produced at the beginning of the Covid crisis was made in the moment where really we had to use what we had…
My Class for managing student blogs on
“My Class” allows you to connect student blogs to your class blog where you can control the student blog privacy, comment moderation and post moderation on all student blogs with just one click. via My Class is ideal for teachers with students who either have their own student blog or publish posts on the…
Ep. 2 – Digital Alchemy Live (Work In Progress)
Building from my post on “Piloting with OBS,” in this live stream I test out bringing in a guest from Microsoft Teams into OBS, with the live stream going to Microsoft Streams. Things to still work out Video latency recording from Teams/Zoom into OBS (this might just be a limitation coming from my graphics…
Piloting with OBS (work in progress)
Have you ever wanted to have your own show? Live streaming, or streaming a live video-production to a webpage where you have control over switching in between yourself, guests, or any other content has become the ‘broadcasting’ of the 21st century. So…what would it take to do in these teach-at-home times we are in? As…