Category: vlog
Enhancing Course Delivery with Panopto: A Guide for Faculty (AMA with WWU’s Panopto Admin)
In this Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, AJ Barse, Instructional Designer and Panopto administrator at Western Washington University, provides a quick guide on integrating Panopto into your Canvas course based on the five common questions coming into Learning Systems. Ideal for new faculty or as a refresher for returning instructors, this video covers key steps…
Full Site Screen Capture in iOS 14
This helpful trick will allow you on your iOS device *running 14.4 or higher in most cases* the ability to capture and PDF entire websites. As a bonus, you can use this feature in tandem with the “Reader” mode in iOS Safari to capture websites cleanly, which is helpful if you are just needing the…
Virtual Studio Tour; video
Full interview/show for the the Virtual Studio Tour with WWU Alumni Association
Ep. 2 – Digital Alchemy Live (Work In Progress)
Building from my post on “Piloting with OBS,” in this live stream I test out bringing in a guest from Microsoft Teams into OBS, with the live stream going to Microsoft Streams. Things to still work out Video latency recording from Teams/Zoom into OBS (this might just be a limitation coming from my graphics…
As midterms roll around, we all have been creating more content no than perhaps any other quarter in history. You and your computer’s hard drive now might be finding yourselves in a tight spot; literally. Making videos, screen shots, docs, etc. as an educator or as a student take up a massive amount of hard…
Using a secondary mic? Here’s how to auto sync it to your video.
Four major video editor apps, four different names for the same function: Automatic audio sync for secondary audio to a video. If you caught my video on studio setup in ‘AV tactics for the at-home educator,’ you may have caught that I use two different mics depending on what I’m recording. When you use a…
Zoom as a Podcaster
Looping back to the original Covid-19 Tactics post, this series breaks down the several steps and tips to setting up Zoom as an audio recording source; and then how to bring those audio files into an audio editor to produce a podcast for your class. This technique is used in podcasting often, even before Covid-19,…
@Home Studios & Teaching and Learning in the New Normal
After writing the Covid-19 Tactics post, I’ve had quite a bit of feedback and questions. So around those questions, for faculty and students, I wanted to share a more personal view on working with AV at home. In it, I show how I have my ‘studio’ set up to do these videos; and more importantly…
A Technologist’s Guide for Students Online
Building on the initial Covid-19 Tactics posts, this time this is geared more towards students looking for creative tools for AV and collaboration. Software: Video HitFilm (FXHome) – Mac/PC “Basics” YouTube playlist by FXHome Blackmagic Davinci Resolve – Mac/PC/Linux iMovie – Mac Windows 10 Video Editor – PC Super lite on editing tools, but can…