Seattle Artist Dan Carrillo and his Wet Plate Portraits


Video by Patrick Richardson Wright (Seattle), featuring Dan Carrillo (Seattle) using the wet plate collodion process.  He shoots on a 1930 Deardorff 11×14 View Camera, which has been modified to shoot 8×10 wet glass plate collodions. Check out Carrillo’s portraits on his blog (or on his flickr).

For those of you who are unfamiliar with photographic processes, you might find this video pretty interesting.  Well, you’ll find it interesting even if you are familiar with photographic processes!

Good deal on photo magazine subscriptions

Magazine Subscriptions: Popular Photography $5 per year, Digital Photo $5 per year, American Photo $5 per year, Outdoor Photographer $5 per year

Call for Art: 6x6x2011


Rochester Contemporary Art Center in New York holding it’s open call for art for their annual 6×6 show. Anyone can submit art, so your pieces may be hanging next to a big name! The main requirement is that it’s 6×6 inches and it’s anonymous (except for a signature on the back). All accepted pieces will be displayed at the Rochester Contemporary Art Center and sold for $20 a piece to benefit the center. Buyers won’t know the artist’s identity until they have purchased the piece.

Submissions are due by May 1st, 2011.

For all the info visit:

War Photography, Meet Fashion Photography

With a background in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Aid, Zoriah specializes in documenting human crises in developing countries. Check out his BLOG, MAIN WEBSITE, or his WAR PHOTOGRAPHY, MEET FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY set on Flickr.

Actress and model Zoe D’Amato merged with an image of a bombing victim in Iraq’s infamous “Baghdad ER.” – by Zoriah (check out Flickr for more in this series)

Watching You Watch Me

“The project ‘Watching you watch me’ is discovering how a photographer can get as close as possible to others, without acting illegal. I have taken portraits of people throught a mirror, when they are totally unaware of the camera inside. This way I get shots of people watching themselves. Since the pictures are taking in public spaces, I can publish them however I want to. At least in Sweden, where the laws are generous to journalists and artists. But in which forums and publications does the single individual feel insulted? ‘Watching you watch me’ is an effort to create debate on laws and ethics within the photographer’s role.”
Taken directly from Moa Karlberg’s website.
Check out the other series! They’re all very interesting. Silent Protest documents monks and Target Country: Sweden talks about sex trafficking using buildings where it’s happening and captions to give the places context.