Check Course Coverability for WA State Tuition Waiver

The WA state tuition waiver for dependents using the CH 35 (DEA) GI-Bill can only cover classes that are state funded. Many online classes however are non-coverable due to them not having this state funding. Please follow the following steps to check if the course you are interested in taking is able to be covered by this state funded Waiver. Note that the federal CH35 GI-bill can still be used for non-state funded courses to receive the full living stipend, you would just not receive the additional tuition charges for those courses.

To check if the waiver can be applied to these courses, please follow the fowling steps.

Step 1) Head to MyWestern and then select Web4U

Step 2) On the student tab, select registration and click on the Select Term or Date Range (

Step 3) Follow the prompts to look up the course that you are interested in taking. You will then see an information screen like the one below:

Step 4) In the Attribute section, look to see if the course states that it is AYSS or self-sustaining tuition and fees. If you see this attribute, then the course CANNOT be covered by the tuition waiver.