Summer Quarter and GI Bill Benefits

You can use your benefits during Summer Quarter if you are taking classes that are required for your degree program. Every quarter you wish to use your benefits, you need to submit the Enrollment Certification Request.

Full time for summer quarter is a credit match to the number of weeks in the summer session you are taking. As with any other quarter for the academic year, if you are using Post 9/11 benefits, and you are taking all online courses, your Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) will be adjusted to reflect all distance courses. Additionally, for Post 9/11 benefit users, you must be above 50% rate of pursuit to get a living stipend.

Best practice is to ensure all your summer classes line up into the same summer session (the start date and end date are the same). You can use the Class Finder tool to see the dates of the classes you are planning to take. If you have a mix of summer sessions in your schedule such as two classes in the 6-week session and one class in the 9-week session, after the 6-week session ends you will either receive a reduced living stipend for the remainder of summer or none if you fall below the 50% rate of pursuit as a Post 9/11 Gi Bill user. Below is a worksheet that you can use to aid in determining your summer schedule.

STVF Waiver Recipients during summer quarter, STVF waivers (the CH35 WA state tuition waiver) can only be used if the course is state funded. Make sure to check by using the self-help tool Check Course Coverability for WA State Tuition Waiver | Veteran Services ( or by emailing the VSO before registering for courses that you believe might be AYSS.

As there are many different scenarios, please reach out to us if you have questions about your specific schedule.