Certification Request

DISCLAIMER: If this your first time requesting to be certified by the VSO, please ensure that you have submitted a VSO New Student Application. The VSO is unable to certify a student that does not have a record. View FAQ for more information.

**Please ensure that your contact information is updated via Web4u**

Please fill out all fields (Fields with * are required):

New Cert Tracker
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Veteran/Dependent Information

Certification Request

CRN For Summer Classes

CRNs are the class codes you used during registration. You can find them on ClassFinder. https://web4u.banner.wwu.edu/pls/wwis/wwsktime.SelClass. | Additionally, if you need help checking if the WA tuition waiver can cover your courses, please follow this link: https://wp.wwu.edu/veteranservices/how-to-check-if-course-coverability-for-wa-state-tuition-waiver/

CRNs For Summer Classes

CRNs are the class codes you used during registration. You can find them on ClassFinder. https://web4u.banner.wwu.edu/pls/wwis/wwsktime.SelClass. | Additionally, if you need help checking if the WA tuition waiver can cover your courses, please follow this link: https://wp.wwu.edu/veteranservices/how-to-check-if-course-coverability-for-wa-state-tuition-waiver/

Change of Enrollment

* If you added a class, select increase. * If you dropped a class, select decrease. * If selecting switching between online and face-to-face classes, select switch modality.

School Withdrawal

Select terminate enrollment if you are dropping out of the quarter or University. NOTE: this may result in a VA and WWU Debt.

Mitigating Circumstances

Mitigating circumstances, if applicable, will prevent or reduce the debt to the VA.

Tuition Assistance

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