Queer Open Mic Sign-Up

Queer Open Mic Form

The queer open mic events during our convention are open to poetry, short prose, music, and vocals! Your stage name will be announced at the Queer Open Mic. We ask that all performers be present in-person to introduce their piece and to perform and/or play a pre-recorded performance. Please provide at least a snippet of what you will be presenting for us to review along with any content warnings.

Forms will be accepted online until 11:59 PM on Friday, April 21st. Stand-by registration and waitlisting for the Queer Open Mic is available, space permitting, at the QueerCon check-in table day-of, first-come, first-served.

Will be announced at Queer Open Mic.
Your contact name will not be published.
What is the style of work you plan to perform? Please keep it shorter than 6 minutes. *
Help us approve your open mic registration by providing us with a tentative sample of the work you plan to perform, such as the passage you plan to read, or an audio sample of your music. *
Other attachment (doc, pdf, mp4, etc.): *

Maximum file size: 20MB

When would you like to perform?

Note: QueerCon’s After-Hours Queer Open Mic event will be held from 5:15 – 6:15 pm.  Performances may include mature themes or NSFW material.  Attendees under the age of 18 are not permitted to attend After-Hours events.

Does your work contain body horror, discriminatory language, mentions of abuse, etc? You are required to list topics that are NSFW. You are encouraged to list topics, particularly those that could be disturbing or reminiscent of trauma.
Does your work contain body horror, discriminatory language, mentions of abuse, etc? You are required to list topics that are NSFW. You are encouraged to list topics, particularly those that could be disturbing or reminiscent of trauma.
By submitting this form you agree that the link you provided if of your own work *
By submitting this form, you are confirming that you will follow QueerCon event policies (link), and that you will wear a mask while indoors at the event.

Maximum file size: 52.22MB

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