Tool Spotting

State of AI

Trend Spotting

Watch, Read, Listen

  • Zoom as a Podcaster

    Zoom as a Podcaster

    Looping back to the original Covid-19 Tactics post, this series breaks down the several steps and tips to setting up Zoom as an audio recording source; and then how to bring those audio files into an audio editor to produce a podcast for your class. This technique is used in podcasting often, even before Covid-19,…

  • @Home Studios & Teaching and Learning in the New Normal

    @Home Studios & Teaching and Learning in the New Normal

    After writing the Covid-19 Tactics post, I’ve had quite a bit of feedback and questions. So around those questions, for faculty and students, I wanted to share a more personal view on working with AV at home. In it, I show how I have my ‘studio’ set up to do these videos; and more importantly…

  • A Technologist’s Guide for Students Online

    A Technologist’s Guide for Students Online

    Building on the initial Covid-19 Tactics posts, this time this is geared more towards students looking for creative tools for AV and collaboration. Software: Video HitFilm (FXHome) – Mac/PC “Basics” YouTube playlist by FXHome Blackmagic Davinci Resolve – Mac/PC/Linux iMovie – Mac Windows 10 Video Editor – PC Super lite on editing tools, but can…

  • AV For The At Home Educator (Intro & Camera)

    AV For The At Home Educator (Intro & Camera)

    In Monday’s proclamation by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, he has ordered all in the state to “stay home- stay healthy.” As educators follows his order to ‘hunker down,’ I pick up where my previous posts left off on tactics work-at-home educators can employ in their online teaching. This upcoming short video series coalesces Covid-19 around…

  • Ink or Digital Ink; Covid-19 Tactics

    Ink or Digital Ink; Covid-19 Tactics

    In an all-digital all-the-time age, analog input may sound a bit backwards. But sometimes, the easiest way comes down to just getting pen to paper. Here are two [relatively] easy ways a stay-at-home educator can incorporate penning ideas into their online course during these work-in-place times. iOS First, the easiest and probably most elegant is…

  • Covid-19 Tactics to Content Creation for Educators (at home)

    Covid-19 Tactics to Content Creation for Educators (at home)

    In Washington state and the world over, Covid-19 has made educators and ed-techs alike quickly reevaluate what can and can’t be done remotely for teaching and learning. Here are some tools to level up your online instruction

  • Canvas LMS, meet WordPress 5 training.

    Canvas LMS, meet WordPress 5 training.

    Let’s say you are a faculty at WWU, and you’ve decided to incoporate WordPress into your class. You might be asking yourself “so, now how can I teach my students what they need to know about Wp.wwu to do this great assignment?” Luckily, you have your course in Canvas; so look no further than Canvas…

  • Exploring the once uncharted

    Exploring the once uncharted

    Two of my biggest academic fascinations has to be horology and cartography. As a technologist, without either of these technologies the world we live in would be a very different place. To look back at somthing that is 200 years old, created by hand, that is a visual record of a place on our Earth…

  • Walk on the wild-side of history

    Walk on the wild-side of history

    I recently stumbled upon a resource, while researching a certain PNW bird, that could help student get in touch with their historical wild-side. The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is dedicated to biodiversity literature and historical archives and is cited as one if not the world’s largest open access digital library on the topic. Their mission…

Instructional Designer, Digital Citizen
…and Analog Explorer

Teaching & Learning

Empowering educators to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences by integrating innovative teaching strategies and educational technologies, fostering a culture of lifelong learning.


Leverage cutting-edge technology to enhance the educational journey at WWU. From Canvas to Panopto, encouraging creativity and exploration in both digital and analog environments while promoting lifelong learning.

AI Literacy & Skills

AI Literacy is the evolution of digital literacy, Explore the potential of AI in education, focusing on personalizing learning experiences and streamlining instructional design processes, all while maintaining a commitment to individual lifelong learning.

Media Production

Craft compelling multimedia content that enriches educational materials and inspires lifelong learning through innovative media production techniques.

Adobe Educational Leader

With nearly two decades of experience, harness the power of Adobe tools to drive creativity and innovation in the classroom, empowering educators to bring their visions to life and inspire a commitment to lifelong learning.

Innovative Educational Strategies

Develop and implement innovative educational strategies that bridge the gap between traditional and modern learning, ensuring that education remains dynamic and accessible.