Marcos Gonzalez, Math Major, from Burlington WA

Prior starting English 101 I was not much of a reader, writer or a just an English type of person in any way sorts. I was very much into math in high school and I even hated writing reports for math as well. What really encouraged that was that I am dyslexic, and it makes hard for me to read and so I don’t really like doing something that is hard for me to do and overcome. So, coming into English which was also a required class I wasn’t too happy for it.

However, the first project talking about the literary sponsorship narrative kind of inspired me to write more. For me the project was a way to invited nostalgia into my life. So, it inspired me to write for a bit of time. But it was short lived as I just didn’t have much to go on. I was able to get project 1 and 2 done. But I felt I had to export something that wasn’t me.

Then the start of the research project came to life. I was partnered with Owen Sinderman and it was kind of relaxing as we had worked on Project 2 together, so we knew of our work schedules and didn’t need to figure each other out. I also saw immediate interest in this project as it was an opportunity to go into research math type of writing.

As the project was going on I really got to experience how statistics type majors did their research and how they write their papers. For me it was kind of rough as doing the usual statistics and then doing other things such as sources and updates just became a lot of work to do. But I also discovered the importance of sources as the sources provided a sort of incite into what I was doing. It was like a guideline for what to do and provided more possible things I could do with my research direction. After looking at a four or so sources I began to really like doing research papers for math because it was cool seeing what other professors were capable of and I’m static to show people what I can do. It encourages me to proceed with my major and it also provides a bit of comfort for me because I’m more confident to these research papers because I’m having more experience in them.

I will happy to show our research project to the public as it discusses what effects stress has on work performance. Here is our Web text:

Does Stress affect Work Performance Research update 2

Stress nowadays seem to be an everyday thing. It just to be something that we can cast to the side and just forget about, but we can’t. Stress has many effects in our lives. One place in which stress affects us is our workspace. Stress can affect our how much we focus on our tasks, how well we manage our time and how much work we are able to perform. This I think is most important that stress affects our work performance. Stress may affect the other factors but if it affects work performance then how are you able to get that work back? You don’t. With the other factors you maybe just be able to shrug it off. Many sources address that stress has impacts on our work performance.

The Fox Business says that stress has been called the “Health epidemic of the 21st Century” and has costed businesses over 300 billion dollars per year. Fox Business also claims that from recent surveys 21 percent of people claim that stress was responsible for errors and miss deadlines, 15.5 percent claiming stress was responsible for having trouble getting along with fellow coworkers and many more facts displaying that stress is problem to be addressed. Addressing this Fox Business puts down little ways to reduce your work stress such as participating in an Employee Assistance Program.

Stress has become a major problem in our workplace. So much so that people are trying to provide ways to cope with the stress. The American Psychological Association does this very thing. They go on to provide very common sources of stress such as low salaries, lack of social support, unclear employee expectations etc. They then go on to list ways to address the stress and cope with them. They suggest to keep track of things that stress you to see how you can avoid them or react to them. They also say to establish some boundaries like not looking at emails at certain times of the day, so you can take an honest break from work. They even suggest talking to your manager or your advisor to list what is stressing you out and then to establish a plan to make sure you work efficiently at your workplace.

Work is important to everyone, so it is important that we address the things that negatively affect work. These news article directly address it and show you a bit of ways to react to them. So how will stress affect your work performance?

Work-Family Conflict Analysis

The article starts off giving definitions and some background information on some topics that will be frequently referenced. The do this by using a various number of sources that are consistent with each other on the definitions that they use. They go on to state that a lot of studies have very differing results to what they want they study. Some studies say that work-family conflict have a negative influence on work performance and some say that work-family conflict have a positive influence on work performance. Work-family and job satisfaction, work-stress and performance etc. Then they again a lot of sources to start forming a hypothesis based on other articles.

They begin to research by deciding to use women who are married as their test subjects. They take surveys from them using quantitative data such as scales of 1-5. To also encourage people to take the survey it was done more in an interview fashion so should any misinterpretation arrives they will be there to guide them to if they have any questions. “For increasing the responses rate, the data were also collected through interviewing to guidance the respondents lowering falsehood on fill out the questionnaire.” They then after collecting 46 samples they use statistical analysis finding consistent and strong results. In the end they show that we should increase job satisfaction, so we can decrease work stress, so it won’t negatively influence employee performance. They then begin to say how can we apply this data saying that we should be focusing on decreasing job family conflict and that managers should again keep touch with their employees so that they can see more results from their employees.

How can I apply this? Well it’s again another variable that I should’ve considered. But I feel that it could’ve been lack luster as there would’ve been a lot of things to go in depth into and could’ve led to inconsistent results. But more importantly I think in our poster we should be striving to use as many sources as the authors used. You can pick any paragraph and 75% (I don’t know it’s just a big number) of the time you can find at least one source. It just makes them seem more believable than just “Hey I’m taking this data. Here are my results.” It also feels like it makes everything seem more consistent with each other. Finally, it shows that they trying to find the truth and not what they think is consistent as they even cited and opening said that “These studies are contradictory, and they want to find why is it contradictory?” Overall, I just want to find more sources so that I can build a consistent case for my study.

Riana, I.Gede, et al. “Managing Work-Family Conflict and Work Stress through Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Employee Performance.” Jurnal Teknik Industri, vol. 20, no. 2, Dec. 2018, pp. 127–134. EBSCOhost, doi:10.9744/jti.20.2.127-134

Stress and Nurses Analysis

The article provided background information that nurses work great under heavy pressure and then goes on to say that stress may affect dissatisfaction, burnout, and poor performance. They then state that there are plenty of studies to show that there is a negative relationship between stress and job performance. So higher stress levels will lead to a lower job performance. But they were also studies to show that the relationship was positive. So, they begin to question what was causing this to happen? “U-shaped relationship or a positive relationship between work stress and job performance asserted that a possible explanation for these inconsistent results might be existing variables to moderate the effect of stress on performance.” They come to find Folkman’s study that showed that coping can reduce stress. Therefore, they come to the question of what effects does coping have on stress and job performance?

They decided to give out surveys to nurses in Heilongjiang Province, China asking questions like with methods of coping they use (positive coping methods and negative coping methods), how much stress they have, how much they perform and various sub questions to those questions. They then take their results and use statistical analysis to determine what relationships were strong and what were not. They concluded that negative coping methods determined workload, job performance, and various other things and positive coping methods determined patient care and job performance. Importantly for our sake positive and negative coping methods both affected job performance. “We also found that coping strategies had moderating effects on some of the work stress subscales and job performance. Negative coping methods affected job performance negatively and positive coping methods affected job performance positively. “In addition, positive coping strategies were positively correlated with job performance and negative coping strategies were negatively correlated with job performance.

How can I apply this? Well I can’t so much apply this into my study, but it is a something to look out for when coming to our conclusion. We didn’t take coping mechanisms into account so should we see any inconsistency’s it could well be that our subjects use various coping methods. From table 2 we find that positive coping methods were used more but they were roughly the same. So, should we see results from some data points that are inconsistent with others we will take those out and consider it as possible different coping mechanisms. We will still address it, but we will handle the situation when it comes.


Li Li, et al. “Moderating Effects of Coping on Work Stress and Job Performance for Nurses in Tertiary Hospitals: A Cross-Sectional Survey in China.” BMC Health Services Research, vol. 17, June 2017, pp. 1–8. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1186/s12913-017-2348-3.