Marcos Gonzalez, Math Major, from Burlington WA

Prior starting English 101 I was not much of a reader, writer or a just an English type of person in any way sorts. I was very much into math in high school and I even hated writing reports for math as well. What really encouraged that was that I am dyslexic, and it makes hard for me to read and so I don’t really like doing something that is hard for me to do and overcome. So, coming into English which was also a required class I wasn’t too happy for it.

However, the first project talking about the literary sponsorship narrative kind of inspired me to write more. For me the project was a way to invited nostalgia into my life. So, it inspired me to write for a bit of time. But it was short lived as I just didn’t have much to go on. I was able to get project 1 and 2 done. But I felt I had to export something that wasn’t me.

Then the start of the research project came to life. I was partnered with Owen Sinderman and it was kind of relaxing as we had worked on Project 2 together, so we knew of our work schedules and didn’t need to figure each other out. I also saw immediate interest in this project as it was an opportunity to go into research math type of writing.

As the project was going on I really got to experience how statistics type majors did their research and how they write their papers. For me it was kind of rough as doing the usual statistics and then doing other things such as sources and updates just became a lot of work to do. But I also discovered the importance of sources as the sources provided a sort of incite into what I was doing. It was like a guideline for what to do and provided more possible things I could do with my research direction. After looking at a four or so sources I began to really like doing research papers for math because it was cool seeing what other professors were capable of and I’m static to show people what I can do. It encourages me to proceed with my major and it also provides a bit of comfort for me because I’m more confident to these research papers because I’m having more experience in them.

I will happy to show our research project to the public as it discusses what effects stress has on work performance. Here is our Web text: