blog posts.

Interview with Dana Ollestad

Interview with Dana Ollestad

To bring in new voices to the PHLOG and share the words of a talented individual, I interviewed Dana Ollestad who is a contemporary artist based in Richmond Virginia. In addition to being a co-curator and Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Grant winner, he teaches an online...

An Interview With Elizabeth Ransom

An Interview With Elizabeth Ransom

Elizabeth Ransom is a WWU graduate, she has been pursuing a successful and fulfilling career in Photography. Currently, Elizabeth is working on a Gallery Project called Immigration Day, which she talks about throughout the interview below. Elizabeth draws a lot of...

An Interview With Garth Amundson

An Interview With Garth Amundson

Celebrating 20 years at Western, Garth Amundson teaches all levels of photography in the Department of Art and Art History. His research is based on investigations of low-tech, high-tech, and the use of vernacular photography. Working primarily as part of a...

Resource: Quicksilver Photo Lab

Resource: Quicksilver Photo Lab

Resource: Quicksilver Photo LabImage link: Located in downtown Bellingham, Quicksilver has been the go-to for printing of all...

Food Photography By Rebecca Mercado

Food Photography By Rebecca Mercado

I have always had a passion for cooking. Although I do not have much experience with photography of this sort, my passion for food has compelled me to want to share all the amazing delicious foods I make and eat with my friends and family (or anyone really). This...

Lightroom Basics

Lightroom Basics

Lightroom can be a very complicated program that allows you to manipulate your photos to extraordinary lengths. Or Lightroom can be used in a more compact and direct program that helps you edit your photos in a more user-friendly way when compared to photoshop.  For...

Limney Gallery Competition

Limney Gallery Competition

The word Limner was first used in Medieval times to describe manuscript illuminators, and was later revived to define the self-employed, independent artists of Colonial America. When the Limney Gallery opened in 1987, it was infamous for its controversial and...



A new Halloween trend has spread across the internet,which entails dressing up as a bedsheet-ghost and producing wispy, festive, and spooky photos. This fad has taken over mainstream platforms like Twitter and TikTok and has reached our remote northwestern community...

Cyanotype Sun Print Project

Cyanotype Sun Print Project

You may have tried out cyanotype paper when you were younger, a cyan-blue paper that produces a print when exposed to sunlight while covered in objects or negatives for a prolonged time.  Photography classes are dealing with a unique problem in a creative way, that...

Photoshop Editing Tutorial: The Orton Effect

Photoshop Editing Tutorial: The Orton Effect

 The Orton Effect is a way of blending photos. It takes two photos of the same scene and mixes high and low details to create a single picture. This is different from the double exposure effect people do with photoshop or film cameras. Double exposure is when the...

Fall 2020 By Rebecca Mercado

Fall 2020 By Rebecca Mercado

Photo taken by me on my camera app! No fancy camera needed to act on inspiration  Fall marks the end of the summer season and the transition into winter. The changes in color, temperature, and daily life can be a challenge for many people, myself included. Dark and...

Interview with Hafthor Yngvason, Director of the Western Gallery

Interview with Hafthor Yngvason, Director of the Western Gallery

Hafthor Yngvason is our Western Gallery Director who loves the art of sculpture and previously worked in Massachusetts and Iceland. Until he reached a tenure limit and moved to the PNW. In our interview, he shares his passions for  public art, as well as expresses his...

Tone Curve Photoshop Tutorial

Tone Curve Photoshop Tutorial

Learning to edit using photoshop, lightroom, or any other photo editing software, in general, can seem overwhelming and arduous. You’ll learn many different ways to enhance your photos like, how to color balance your photos, how to properly expose the lighting,...

Washington Trails Association’s Photo Contest

Washington Trails Association’s Photo Contest

Washington Trails Association’s annual photo contest is almost over. As it draws to a close, there’s still time to take this opportunity to show off those summer and early fall photos you are especially proud of. There are five categories to submit to: Trailscapes,...

Alone Together: A Look Inside

Alone Together: A Look Inside

ALONE TOGETHER as a portfolio addresses the current state of our world, a world currently caught in the midst of great political strife and the first global pandemic of any of our lifetimes. It includes work from all three photo classes taught during the spring term...

Recent Vogue Controversy and Hiring Diverse Photographers

Recent Vogue Controversy and Hiring Diverse Photographers

A discussion recently arose regarding the hiring of diverse photographers after Annie Leibovitz was brought on to photograph Simone Biles for the cover of Vogue's August issue. The results, according to many critics, were not the best. This opens up the question -...

Alone Together

Alone Together

ALONE TOGETHER Considering the unique situation that we’re in and the strange times that we’re living through together, this project addresses some aspect of being ”ALONE TOGETHER” during the pandemic. It includes all three photo classes taught during the spring term...

An Interview With Rachel Hsu

An Interview With Rachel Hsu

Rachel Hsu is 27, goes by she/her pronouns, and was born in Kenmore, WA but is currently living in Philadelphia, PA. Rachel decided to go to Western because she wanted to pursue an art degree within Washington State. She also was interested in Western because she...

An Interview With Ashley Garrels

An Interview With Ashley Garrels

Ashley Garrels was born and raised in Seattle, uses She/her pronouns and is 28. Ashley went to Western because of the great art department and because many of her family members have went to Western. She has visited the campus many times and just fell in love with the...

Self-As-Subject Exhibition

Self-As-Subject Exhibition

Self-as-Subject Exhibition Winter 2019 This is a team-thematic project investigating the rich history behind and the physical construction of self-portraiture. It is inspired by the examples of photographers including: Richard Avedon, Vivian Maier, Cecil Beaton,...

Windows Serenade Art 372 Exhibition

Windows Serenade Art 372 Exhibition

Windows Serenade Exhibition The Windows Serenade Project was created by Rebekah Modrak, in which students are tasked with choosing a public-facing window in their home and treating it in some way so that it serves as a missive long-term portal to your neighbors and...

Windows Serenade Art 370 Exhibition

Windows Serenade Art 370 Exhibition

Windows Serenade Exhibition The Windows Serenade Project was created by Rebekah Modrak, in which students are tasked with choosing a public-facing window in their home and treating it in some way so that it serves as a missive long-term portal to your neighbors and...

An Interview with Quinton Maldonado

An Interview with Quinton Maldonado

Interview With Quinton Maldonado Before over-viewing, the interview questions here is a little bit about Quinton Maldonado,   Quinton Maldonado has completed his BFA in Studio Art with concentrations in...