Western Washington University offers FREE general parking on campus in Lot C during our event.

This year, QueerCon is also reserving additional VIP parking spaces in Lot 19G, which is directly across from the Academic West Building, and will prioritize offering these spaces to Event staff, Presenters, and Exhibitors (vendors, businesses, etc) who need accessible parking, are mobility-limited, and/or for whom a proximity parking space would be helpful for loading or accessing their vehicle during the event.
Our Key Event Sponsors ($200 and up) are also guaranteed one parking space in the VIP lot.
The form below is for reserving a space in this close-proximity lot. Permits requested for access and mobility needs will be prioritized in applications received before 11:59 pm on Tuesday, April 23. After that, applications for remaining spaces will be reviewed and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. All VIP parking requests close at 12:00 pm on Friday, April 26. Any remaining permits will be available to claim at the check-in desk in AW building day-of the convention.
Trouble accessing this form? Click or tap to open just the form in a new tab.