Here is the schedule of panels, talks, and events we have planned for QueerCon 2021, which was FREE and held virtually this year!
If you cannot access the interface, you can still access the panel talks by joining our Discord server and following the #happening-now channel under the “Welcome to QueerCon!” category. All talks, panels, and special events will have closed captioning enabled.
WWU Queer Con Schedule and Map
[click to view or download a larger map] This is the map of the virtual convention hall. When you join the space, you will arrive in the Foyer. Walk your sprite into the Central Hall, which connects to all other halls. Panel A is on the right. To the top are entrances to Panel Room B and Exhibitor Hall. On the left are entrances to the game rooms.
Exhibitor Hall – Artist and Organization Tables
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Exhibitor tables will be open from 11 am until 5 pm in the main exhibitor hall
Panelists: Craig Hurd-McKenney (Writer, SOME STRANGE DISTURBANCES), Ashley McCammon (Writer-Artist, OBELISK), Emily Pearson (Artist, THE WILDS), G Romero-Johnson (Writer-Artist, “The Red Side of the Moon” and SOME STRANGE DISTURBANCES: A Cold Winter’s Eve), William O Tyler (Artist and co-editor THEATRE OF TERROR)
We’ll explore the history, definition of and current crop of queer horror titles available now. The panel will be as diverse as possible, including gender identities, races, religions etc.
1:00 – 1:50 pm
The Limits and Possibilities of Queer Fantasy in Comics and Animation
Panelists: Andrew Lucchesi & Rae Larson
This panel explores representations of queerness in comics and animation of the past 10 years. In their presentation “Nonbinary Representation & the Queer Animation Renaissance” Rae will specifically focus on BMO from Adventure Time (2010), Double trouble from SheRa and the Princesses of Power (2018), and Stevonnie from Steven Universe (2013) as a textual comparison of fan involvement, character disclosure, and converting Queer subtext into modern adaptations. In his presentation “Queer Futures / Queer Pasts in Contemporary Comics,” Andrew will examine DC’s “Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronacles (2017) and Vault Comics’ “Text” (2019), two comics that put fantastical queer bodies on display to connect histories of gay oppression to an aesthetic of queer takeover.
2:00 – 2:50 pm
Gender in Shounen Jump
Panelist: Alexis Goss
I will talk about representation of gender in shounen manga, including discussing genderqueer characters, treatment of female characters, and defining gendered terms. Certain series will be covered more than others depending on which ones I’m reading recently. The answer is I’m reading most of them. But not Mashle. I hate Mashle. Don’t ask me about Mashle.
3:00 – 3:50 pm
LGBTQ+ Representation in Western Children’s Animated Television
Talk featuring: Thea Schaaf
Children’s media is frequently a reflection of a society’s baseline of acceptability. As Western (geopolitical, not the college) culture and politics have evolved to accommodate and appreciate LGBTQ+ experiences, a reflection of these stages has been visible in the content of children’s media. This panel would explore the history of LGBTQ+ representation in Western children’s animated television and how it aligns with the progress of queer acceptance in Western culture.
4:00 – 4:50 pm
Queer Star Stories Virtual Planetarium Show
A special event featuring: Erin Howard
There are a lot of stories about LGBTQ+ people in mythology that aren’t as well known as their straight and cis counterparts. Erin shows us some of these queer tales while giving us a tour of the stars and planets.
Room B – Panels, Talks, and Queer Open Mic
1:00 – 1:50 pm
But I’m Not a Woman in Science!
Panelists: Erin Howard, JZY, G McGrew, Elliott
Most underrepresented scholarships and initiatives in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) focus on supporting and empowering women, leaving some of us to wonder, “Where do I fit in?” “Do I misgender myself, or lose funding opportunities?” Join us for a discussion about being left out of the underrepresented gender conversations (and funding), and ways in which we can increase inclusion for all underrepresented genders in STEM.
*2:00 – 2:30 pm
[NSFW] The Queer Peace of Quarantine
Featuring: Kara Henry & Giorgie O’Keeffe DePaolis
**NSFW talk** We are hoping to present some pieces of writing about our experiences with queer identity and social reception/perception. Some of the pieces will focus on how living in a pandemic has shifted our relationships to our identities, especially in relationship to how sheltered we’ve been from the male gaze in public in the past year.
3:00 – 3:25 pm
Morganica – Queer Open Mic
*3:30 – 3:50 pm
[NSFW] JZY – Queer Open Mic
* For NSFW content, attendance to these Room B events is restricted to guests 18+
Game Room – a room of virtual games
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
The Game Room will be open from 11 am until 5 pm in the main exhibitor hall, and includes tables with collaborative games.
Fishbowl (guessing game) Settler’s of Catan-styled Game (
Dominion (deck-building game) (drawing game)
One Night Ultimate Werewolf
Crossword Puzzles
Tetris-style Game
You can also play on the little piano in the room!
Animal Crossing Room!
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Share friend codes and play Animal Crossing in this small surprise room.
Quiet Room
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
This room is a small private space that can be visited to get away from the main convention activites.