I freely admit I have very wide-ranging tastes in dance. To me, spring and summer dance has been beguiling.
So You Think You Can Dance? I was hooked – from the auditions in Vegas to the theatrical finales. I’m still outraged about the elimination of Malice early on – not an America’s favorite, but arguably one of the most technical. In this competition, there were classically trained ballerinas and guys, performing anything that was thrown at them. I would love to see the same on my own turf – Seattle. And, by and large, I did this past season.
I’m starting with PNB. Memorable moments: Lindsi Dec’s gorgeous line and mighty control of it, Jerome Tisserand’s soft, soft landings in fifth, a frisky, high-jumping Elizabeth Murphy, the humble, dynamic corps dancer Leta Biasucci, and fragile-looking but resilient principals – a bold Rachel Foster was spectacular. I have “fabulous” written in my notes for: Brittany Reid (quick), Jonathan Porretta (demonic), Maria Chapman (strong), Bold (relaxed but deliberate), Carla Korbes (enchanting).

And, of course, there were great, great choreographers, too – Christopher Wheeldon for one. His Carousel was gorgeous. Jean Christophe Maillot ‘s Romeo And Juliet, for two. Lucien Postlewaite and Noelani Pantastico – PNB alums that are now in Monaco – were crazy good. Much has changed since they danced the choreography for the first time in Seattle. Now, caught in Maillot’s coaching web, their accented moves, the feeling in their stretches, make them crazy good.