But let’s get back to food choice, and science, and information – can a top-researcher like Stephanie Seneff prevail in her saturated fats campaign?
Stephanie Seneff
Stephanie Seneff walks in a number of professional worlds – maintaining her senior research associate position at MIT, but also speaking her mind, via her research, in any forum to which she is invited. Her refereed journal articles are numerous – most of which, are in computer science and engineering.
Naturally curious about food – she has become uniquely qualified, especially with her experience at MIT, to try and link electrical engineering to biochemistry in terms of proper cell functioning. Eventually she would tackle cholesterol and vaccines, and obesity and sulfur deficiency – claiming that many debilitating diseases result from a lack of saturated fats in the diet, as well as Vitamin D, Calcium, an cholesterol deficiencies. A lack of sun exposure (intimated in the production of both choletsreola nd Vitamin D) doesn’t help.
Seneff’s research typically focuses on artificial intelligence systems, and her journal articles number in the hundreds. But it wasn’t until her husband was diagnosed with high blood cholesterol and prescribed statins, that she started to dive into nutrition again (she had minored in it in college) to investigate what statins’ effects were on cholesterol, and whether we even needed the waxy, fat-like substance at all. [1]
Basically, Seneff found that statin drugs makes one age at an accelerated rate, primarily due to the absence of cholesterol and other vital compounds whose production is impaired with statins SS12.10.[2]Seneff uses the language of biochemistry, and the practice of hypothesis-forming regarding cell membrane dynamics (aided by her engineering background) to hypothesize what happens when sufficient cholesterol sulfate (yet another area of research) is not supplied in the diet.[3] She is an ardent supporter of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids in the diet as a way to stave off many degenerative diseases – something that would give low-fat advocates apoplexy. Her reasoning explains the French paradox, as not a paradox at all – she claims that a diet rich in saturated fat, and low in damaged and damaging fats from processed foods is the answer to healing many debilitating diseases today, i.e., the path to good health.
Her message is “Briong on the bacon [pigs, grass-fed], and plenty of it.” Kinda. Chowing down on saturated fat doesn’t leave much room for anytihg else – so carbohydrates get short shrift.[4]
[1] What she found in a review of the literature, was that statins indeed, could reduce a serum cholesterol of 300db/liter translated into a normal range xxx, say, below 70mg/dl within weeks with an 80 mg dose (4x the standard) but that the reported side effects were troublesome. The statins lower cholesterol (LDL) but at what cost? Muscle pain and weakness can result from rhabdomyolysis (due to severe muscle damage/breakdown) and the depletion of the cholesterol basically leads to cell membrane dysfunction and ultimately, diabetes, MS, heart failure, cancer, and even ALS (see 85 peer-reviewed articles). SS12,SS3.2,SS3.17.
[2] Her work shows that very few people who are takings statin drugs benefit from them, institutions that see dollars over devotion (the American pharmaceutical industry, say) market drugs that reduce the concentration of a so-called undesirable substance – in this case, circulating cholesterol. – in this case, Lipitor. Arguing that any benefits from fighting heart disease are more than offset by increased risk of fetal damage, toxic infection, and cancer.
[3] For example, the digestive organ of the pancreas produces insulin to move sugars out of the blood stream and into cells for energy. Cholesterol and fatty acids are critical to cell outer membranes of the insulin-producing beta cells. Without sufficient cholesterol, the walls of the mitochondria inside the beta cells are particularly vulnerable. The antioxidant, Coenzyme Q [also depressed by statins] is not around to help stop the damage to the cell wall. Without insulin, fats are released from both the cell walls and the liver – the cells starve (glucose metabolism also is compromised), and there is a breakdown of muscle tissue.
[4]NB: A cautionary note: If you’re still eating plenty of sugar and hope to maintaion a svelte figure, shoring up on the fats is not going to help.
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