There’s more. What if what we know as heart disease was the result of cholesterol deposits, as a silo or reservoir, close to the heart muscle so that vital cholesterol (easily transported as the highly agreeable, miscible, and absolutely critical cholesterol sulfate anion) is available to bind and neutralize endotoxins released by infectious bacteria.[1]
What if ADD, Alzheimer’s, even ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), much less chronic arthritis, are all the result of certain cells bring sacrificed to release vital cholesterol and fat? Stay thin, and you sacrifice brain development, as well as the integrity of the myelin[2]sheath coating the nerve fibers, which is entirely fat, as well as the membranes of other cells — and the body will hoard cholesterol. The body will draw from every system, to remove life giving cholesterol and fatty acids — from joints, for example, and arthritis results; from the central nervous system, and MS results; and, from the brain, and Alzheimer’s results. S4 [3]
Some researchers argue that fat is so dynamic it can be considered as an endocrine organ, releasing hormones and proteins that together with the adrenal and thyroid glands orchestrate many important bodily functions. Perhaps this makes something like whole milk (high in cholesterol and saturated fat) the perfect food — and Vitamin D (produced from precursors at the surface of the skin and exerting a protective effect through its role in fat metabolism) a natural sunscreen!
Seneff is not completely clear as to how much cholesterol and saturated fat is needed – there is no formula, and interestingly, neither can be provided as “supplements” – whole food is what’s needed. Certainly, a number of popular authors would agree with her. Gary Taubes, for one.
[1] This infection-theory of heart disease has been around for some time (ref). With insufficient fat, fat cells proliferate in the mid section and fat deposits accumulate around the wall of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) and in the body cavity encasing the heart (pericardial fat). Unlike abdominal or subcutaneous fat, this fat is more active (lipolysis) and is an easy target for bacteria and viruses entering through the lungs, and with a good oxygen supply, they flourish. Cholesterol again to the rescue. So, fat becomes susceptible to bacterial invasion. But at least only a fraction of the heart is at risk — a part is sacrificed (in a “heart attack”) to prevent complete heart failure. This infectious theory has been around for about 100 years SS3.116. Those who actually have some kind of infection are especially at risk.
[2] All nerve fibers in fact are coated with a fatty myelin sheaths to insulate and keep signals in tact.
[3]So according to Seneff, the body has a silo-like strategy for storing cholesterol and fat nutrients (much less important is carbohydrate, one only needs to look at the paltry glycogen stores in the body whereas protein is stored in every tissue – the quality of our hair and nails is a good indicator of sufficiency).