Farmer Ben

See Farmer Ben (a former WWU student!) in action at / and also at WSU-sponsored field days (in the background)……

Food Safety, Farms, Resilience

U.S. rethinks approach to food safety (Dina Elboghdady, Washington Post as reported in The Bellingham Herald 3/6/12) This article reports on food inspection, the way it’s been done for the past century, with plants overseen by the FDA inspected about once a decade. Now, the argument goes: Where the risk is greatest (seafood it’s thought),…

Wild Resilience

Farm Resilience Project: The Award-winning movie, website, and media launch — please send this to any and all you know…who are interested in food!!!!Here’s the link to the 30-sec version, which will be aired on media stations in the Seattle area in February and March –…we’re trying to get people interested in food and farming,…

Reminder: Slow Food at the Co-op for those going to Florence, and ….

everyone else! 6:30-8:30,  Tuesday, May 1 at the Co-op…. Gigi Berardi discusses the slow food movement and Italy (with slow food provided) — perfect for those already registered for the summer Florence course or those thinking of going! The Slow Food movement links the pleasure of preparing and eating food to environmental sustainability and food…