Class field trip to Whatcom County’s Twin Brook Creamery, VeenHuizen Farms, BelleWood Acres. Twin Brook: Low-temp pasteurized (non-homogenized) chocolate milk and food for thought on marketing glass bottles. Larry and Debbie Stapp of Twin Brook Creamery Bottling Chocolate Milk — two at a time VeenHuizen: Milking cows by hand (Wil, you’re hired for the night…
Author: AJ
Factory Organic Milk
Next time you’re at a Trader Joe’s (or elsewhere, Fred Meyer/Kroger?) reaching for a container of surprisingly-cheap “organic milk,” take a look at the plt code on the top of the bottle or waxed, paper carton, and check it against the information at the “whereismymilkfrom” website ( as to its origin. Some consumers may be…
(Trader Joe’s) Long Reach
Apparently, Trader Joe’s has extended its wide reach to Seattle’s posh restaurants. Recently, at a pre-performance dinner close to Seattle’s On the Boards, I found that lite fare menu choices were rather limited. At the elegant restaurant, I asked where the salami came from. “Trader Joe’s,” the waitress said. And a handful of other items…
Beautiful compost at the very beginning of a Celtic Spring – at Our Lady of the Rock Monastery. Raw compost is added to the bin on the far left, then progressively moved to bins on the right. The finished compost is put through a sieve and has a consistency of slightly-dry peat. Raw material —…
Beets in Spring
Beet kvass – lacto-fermented beets, grown with biodynamic compost, make a delicious spring tonic.
Biodynamics Unleashed! At the Community Food Co-op Tonight!
From Goethan metaphysics to cosmic configurations, we had a great discussion tonight at the Co-op. thanks to all who attended and to our hard working farm family of Inspiration Farm. Michael Long provided quite his own inspiration as well. Steiner would be proud.
More on Resilience — and Biodynamics (“From the Sublime to the Divine”…at the Co-op Tonight!) See Co-op Listings….
Agroecology students enjoy more work with Henning and Scott on Lopez island.
Village Books talk — a great gathering….also, tonight at the Co-op!
Village Books — a well-attended talk (60!) on · the decline (destruction of) kitchen literacy (thanks Ann Vileisis for a stunning book on the topic) · the deceptive advertising (right, Annie’s Green Goddess dressing under the Trader Joe’s label??) and the NRA-like devotion to TJ’s hors d-oeuvres, dips, other delights for any and…
Resilience — Student and Farmer Practitioners Speak!
Resilience Workshop — Students practice resilient-farming in our Mock workshop (USDA small-farms grant)….and enjoy some FLOSSY-food (Fresh, Local, organic, sustainable, and/or Seasonal!) ………and wise words from Sweet Grass’s Scott Meyers….on “farming with nature”…….
Celebrating Community — More food for thought!
…with the January Seed-Swap (see earlier posts) and delicious yogurt chese. Yogurt cheese with bread crumbs….. It’s easy to make “yogurt cheese” from homemade fresh-milk yogurt, which is then left to drain in a cheesecloth for several hours – I use the whey for lacto-fermenting beets (to make beet kvass) and the lovely…